Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Conspiratorial writings? Really?

If you are a "conspiracy addict" like myself and your imagination works overtime, like mine does, you will want to read the articles below.  The author of the last one gives "conspiracy theorists" the thumbs down but inadvertently or not, his article would  give some readers like moi further material to look into, like checking into the movie "The Shining" and wondering if Stanley Kubrick had indeed passed on some messages about the "moon landing" to any "eyes wide shut" awaken in the audience.



By  Jim Quinn

".......... I’ve always had a skeptical nature and knew in my teens that JFK was not killed by a lone gunman in the Book Depository building, but the hustle and bustle of life kept me from examining so called “conspiracy theories” on a deeper level. Through the 90s I was busy raising a family, working long hours, paying a mortgage, auto loans, tuition bills, and sports fees for my three boys. There was no time to breathe, let alone examine the truth behind how the world functioned.

9/11 changed all that. Something didn’t add up. Somehow the 341- page Patriot Act, creating a new agency and numerous new unlawful governmental powers, was supposedly written, and voted on within four weeks of 9/11. Only three Republicans voted against the bill – including Ron Paul, who I had never heard of at the time. The unwarranted invasion of Iraq in 2003 based on lies and propaganda, led by Cheney and Rumsfeld, was the straw that broke the camel’s back.........

 Ex-Russian Space Boss Finds 'No Proof' Americans Landed On Moon In 1969

Russia's former head of the Roscosmos space agency, Dmitry Rogozin, said he went on a quest about a decade ago to find concrete proof that the Americans landed on the Moon in 1969. After finding little evidence, he questioned whether the Apollo 11 Mission reached the lunar surface. 

"About ten years ago, when I worked in the Government, I sent an official request to Roskosmos to provide me with documentary evidence of the Americans' stay on the moon, which at that time was still at the disposal of the federal agency," Rogozin said in a post on Telegram on Sunday. 

He continued, "I was painfully embarrassed by the fact that the Soviet cosmonauts returning from multi-day expeditions could barely stand on their feet and underwent a long recovery after such flights, and the Americans crawled out of their lunar ships like cucumbers from the garden. "................

How Stanley Kubrick Staged the Moon Landing

By: Rich Cohen 

Have you ever met a person who’s been on the moon? There are only four of them left. Within a decade or so, the last will be dead and that astonishing feat will pass from living memory into history, which, sooner or later, is always questioned and turned into fable. It will not be exactly like the moment the last conquistador died, but will lean in that direction. The story of the moon landing will become a little harder to believe.

I’ve met three of the twelve men who walked on the moon. They had one important thing in common when I looked into their eyes: they were all bonkers.......................




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