Friday, January 22, 2021

On the pandemic, lockdowns, tech overlords and censorship, stolen elections or not, wars to continue or not, the implosion of the warlords' nation, regime changes, deep state, etc.etc. Part 2 of 3


Raskolnikov’s Dream Come True

Something is happening here,
But you don’t know what it is,
Do you, Mr. Jones?
— Bob Dylan, Ballad of a Thin Man, 1965

It’s hard.

Life today seems like a dream, doesn’t it?  Surreal to the point where everything seems haunted and betwixt and between, or this against that, or that and this against us.


Or a Luis Buñuel film.  The logic of the irrational. Surrealistic.  A film made to draw us into an ongoing nightmare.  Hitchcock with no resolution. Total weirdness, as Hunter Thompson said was coming before he blew his brains out.  A life movie made to hypnotize in this darkening world where reality is created on screens, as Buñuel said of watching movies:

This kind of cinematographic hypnosis is no doubt due to the darkness of the theatre and to the rapidly changing scenes, lights, and camera movements, which weaken the spectator’s critical intelligence and exercise over him a kind of fascination.

Louis Bunuel, My last sigh, Knopf, 1983

Here we are in Weirdsville, USA where most people, whether of the left, right, or center, are hypnotized by the flickering screens.............





Jagmeet Singh attending CJPAC event representative of Canada-wide NDP suppression of pro-Palestine foreign policy


Written by: Daniel Xie

On December 17, 2020, the Canadian Jewish Political Affairs Committee(CJPAC) reported a successful National Festival of Lights (Hanukkah) celebration hosted via Zoom by Liberal MP for Mount Royal, Anthony Housefather and Ya'ara Saks. The event involved the participation of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, as well as NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh and Green Party Leader Annamie Paul.

Three days after CJPAC reported of Paul and Singh attending the National Festival of Lights, pro-Palestinian activist Sam Hersh criticized Singh’s participation. Hersh expressed disappointment that Singh would pose for photo ops with CJPAC, which he identifies as a pro-Israel advocacy group seeking to suppress advocacy for Palestinian human rights. These efforts to suppress Palestinian human rights and advocates, Hersh notes, have led to the targeting of non-Zionist Jews such as himself as “dangerous”.

Similar criticisms regarding the participation of the NDP in an event hosted by the pro-Israeli CJPAC were also expressed by Michael Buckert, the vice president for Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East(CJPME), who found it “weird” that the NDP would participate in CJPAC hosted events.

An examination of CJPAC’s website reveals the anti-Palestinian goals of the organization. The website contains many articles and news reports painting a one-sided, pro-Israeli image of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. These articles include:.......





How Silicon Valley, in a Show of Monopolistic Force, Destroyed Parler

In the last three months, tech giants have censored political speech and journalism to manipulate U.S. politics, while liberals, with virtual unanimity, have cheered.

 Glenn Greenwald


Critics of Silicon Valley censorship for years heard the same refrain: tech platforms like Facebook, Google and Twitter are private corporations and can host or ban whoever they want. If you don’t like what they are doing, the solution is not to complain or to regulate them. Instead, go create your own social media platform that operates the way you think it should.

The founders of Parler heard that suggestion and tried. In August, 2018, they created a social media platform similar to Twitter but which promised far greater privacy protections, including a refusal to aggregate user data in order to monetize them to advertisers or algorithmically evaluate their interests in order to promote content or products to them. They also promised far greater free speech rights, rejecting the increasingly repressive content policing of Silicon Valley giants.......


Your Sigh Of Relief Is Grounded In Delusion: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

 Caitlin Johnstone  

January 20, 2021


Ahh at long last America is returning to normality: the hub of a globe-spanning empire which rings the planet with military bases and destroys any nation which disobeys it while propagandizing the entire world into supporting its murderousness, without rude tweets.

Biden’s inauguration will be a huge relief for people who aren’t actually affected by US government policy.

Americans want to believe Trump was uniquely evil among recent presidents because they want to believe their government will become significantly less evil when he leaves. This is delusional and harmful.

The only way to find Trump’s presidency remarkably awful is to (A) greatly diminish the scale of Bush and Obama’s crimes and (B) believe foreign lives don’t matter. Saying Trump was the worst president, even since the turn of this century, is saying that you’re a shitty person.........................




“Q Anon” May Have Been an FBI Psyop

A recent Reuters investigation may indicate that “Q Anon” was in fact an FBI cyber psyop.

The “Q Anon” phenomenon has generally been regarded as a hoax or prank, originated by online message board users in late October 2017, that got out of control. The “Q Anon” persona was preceded by similar personae, including “FBI anon”, “CIA anon” and “White House insider anon”.

“Q Anon” originally called himself “Q clearance patriot”. Former CIA counterintelligence operative Kevin M. Shipp explained that an actual “Q clearance leaker” – i.e. someone possessing the highest security clearance at the US Department of Energy, required to access top secret nuclear weapons information – would have been identified and removed within days.

However, in November 2020 Reuters reported that the very first social media accounts to promote the “Q Anon” persona were seemingly “linked to Russia” and even “backed by the Russian government”. For instance, the very first Twitter account to ever use the term “Q Anon” on social media had previously “retweeted obscure Russian officials”, according to Reuters.............



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