Friday, January 22, 2021

On the pandemic, lockdowns, tech overlords and censorship, stolen elections or not, wars to continue or not, the implosion of the warlords' nation, regime changes, deep state, etc.etc. Part 1 of 3

COVID-19 & The Emergence Of The Pandemic Industrial Complex
Authored by Brian Berletic via,

Authored by Brian Berletic via,

If official numbers are to be believed, the United States is one of the worst hit countries in terms of COVID-19 infections and deaths. According to the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), at the time of writing, there are supposedly 19 million COVID-19 cases with an alleged 300,000+ deaths suggesting between a 1-2% chance of dying from COVID-19 if infected by it.....


LOL ... nice one!   You know what they say,  "when you can't beat them with logic, use illogic" ... or words to that effect. LOL !

Are You Ready for Total (Ideological) War?

So, welcome to 2021! If last week was any indication, it is going to be quite an exciting year. It is going to be the year in which GloboCap reminds everyone who is actually in charge and restores “normality” throughout the world, or at least attempts to restore “normality,” or the “New Normality,” or the “Great Normal Reset,” or “The New Normal War on Domestic Terror” … or whatever they eventually decide to call it.

In any event, whatever they call it, GloboCap is done playing grab-ass. They have had it with all this “populism” malarkey that has been going on for the last four years. Yes, that’s right, the party is over, you Russian-backed white supremacist terrorists! You Trump-loving, anti-mask grandmother killers! You anti-vax, election-fraud-conspiracy theorists! You deviants who refuse to follow orders, wear your damn masks, vote for who they tell you, and believe whatever completely nonsensical official propaganda they pour into your heads!................


A message to anyone who feels like ‘Winston’ in Orwell’s 1984

    Simon Black
    January 13, 202

“The ideal set up by the Party was something huge, terrible, and glittering . . . all thinking the same thoughts and shouting the same slogans, perpetually working, fighting, triumphing, persecuting– three hundred million people all with the same face.”

That was a quote from George Orwell’s seminal work 1984— a masterpiece that describes life in a totalitarian state that demands blind obedience.

The ‘Party’ controlled everything– the economy, daily life, and even the truth. In Orwell’s 1984, “the heresy of heresies was common sense.”

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered.”..........


More power for law enforcement would not have stopped Capitol riot, their inherent bias to the right is the REAL problem

Bradley Blankenship

 Calls for the police to be given more powers following the Washington disturbances are misplaced. A more pressing concern is reining in their systemic reactionary tendencies and sympathies for the radical right.

In the wake of the recent Capitol riot in the US, coupled with new information from the FBI that suggests all 50 state capitals could soon be under siege, political figures across the country are calling for legislation that could greatly expand the powers of law enforcement and stifle freedom of speech and assembly.

Much of the proposed legislation in state legislatures is actually refigured versions of similar bills that were meant to silence the nationwide Black Lives Matters protests that happened in the wake of the killing of George Floyd by police in May last year.

As the country begins to perform an autopsy on what actually occurred at the Capitol on January 6, it is becoming more and more apparent that law enforcement had sufficient resources and intelligence to deal with the situation – but they decided not to. Police officers, several of whom were seen livestreaming with rioters, are now under investigation, and it’s apparent there were higher-ups who, for whatever reason, didn’t want to interfere with the mob. ................


Biden Can Now Launch the Nukes and Unleash World War III Whenever He Feels Like It

Ryan McMaken

...........But why has there been no significant effort to develop some sort of check or veto to this process? Part of this lies in the fact the US military establishment maintains a posture very much in favor of erring on the side of aggression rather than restraint. In the early days of the nuclear-armed Cold War, there were essentially no safeguards in place. A man claiming to be the president, if he had access to the right people, could theoretically call for a nuclear strike, and there was no set way of remotely verifying his identity..............


Introducing PanQuake: Revealing Project X (full censored event) #TalkLiberation

The above event, formerly known as Project X, revealed PanQuake; a next generation social reach and amplification tool that makes big tech social media platforms look like they are from the Dark Ages. The event, hosted by Taylor Hudak, featured a renowned panel of guests including PanQuake Co-founder Suzie Dawson, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges, ex NSA Technical Director Bill Binney, comedians Graham Elwood, Jimmy Dore and Lee Camp, and a special message from Christine Assange, mother of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange.

If you enjoy this video, please spread the word about PanQuake to your friends, family and followers, and encourage them to donate to support the project build at


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