Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Pro-Turkey Boris Johnson sides with Brexit plan, knowing Brits will vote for separation ....

so no brainer.  If he wants to remain popular with the sheeple and remain focused on becoming the next PM, he has to side with the separatists.

Below is what I had said in 2012 about Muslims holding high office in Anglo nations.  It's happening at a breakneck pace as those of us who can see the obvious are able to not only see but also understand how this has come about.

BTW, the London mayor's lineage is to Turkish Sunni Islam. Johnson himself held an American citizenship until a few years ago, having been born in New York.  How he changed his name from Kemal to Johnson is something I have not delved into. I have had a feeling since that time in 2012 that Johnson would be UK's PM sooner than later. 

Muslims holding high office OR How the sleeping cells are now strong enough to come "OUT"

Boris Johnson, mayor of  London:
"My great-grandfather knew the Koran by heart and I am proud of my Islamic ancestry."

Now the mayor wants his own little "Boris island"  just a prelude to taking over the bigger one.

And guess what else ... the man is more popular than the PM.     Are we looking at the next UK PM in Johnson? You betcha!

You aren't seen nothing yet.  There will be many, many, many more similar revelations leading up to the  complete Caliphate whose progress is now nothing to scoff at.

We reap what we sow.

From BBC dated Feb 22, 2016
EU referendum: Time to vote for   real change, says Boris Johnson
The UK's EU membership referendum is a "once-in-a-lifetime chance to vote for real change", Boris Johnson has argued as he declared support for an exit.

The London Mayor confirmed earlier to reporters that he would be campaigning to leave the union.

In a 2,000-word column for The Daily Telegraph, the Conservative MP said staying inside the union would lead to "an erosion of democracy"...

From the TelegraphUK
Boris Johnson's best bet for being PM is Britain voting to stay in the EU
A vote to Leave would make Boris PM, but his premiership would be a nightmare battle with the EU and his party
 As a classicist, Boris Johnson knows all about Pyrrhus of Epirus. The Mayor of London ought to be worried that, in championing the Leave side in the upcoming referendum on the European Union, he might follow the ancient Greek general and end up with a pyrrhic victory.

If Boris continues to downplay the risks of Brexit - as he did in his column for The Telegraph - victory could be his worst nightmare. Boris, who is one of my oldest and closest friends, is likely to become prime minister if we vote to quit. He would then have to negotiate our exit terms and preside over what could be a potentially traumatic divorce. .....

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