Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Jim Sinclair, Metis leader ... An important part of Canadian history

The vid links unto others if you are inclined to learn more about the Aboriginal people of Canada.

Biography as submitted by the Sinclair Family
Jim Sinclair was born on June 3 , 1933 in Punnichy, Saskatchewan, of Indian parents denied their status under the Indian Act. Treated by the Canadian government as part of a group of Aboriginal people with no rights, he lived in a squatter community with no running water or other services on a road allowance – a bush covered 66-foot wide strip of public land, reserved by the Crown for road building purposes. He was educated at various schools that accepted “road allowance” students. Some schools provided hot lunch programs for students, but excluded the road allowance people, who went hungry because their parents were squatters who did not pay taxes. Jim’s first political involvements were in the Lestock / Punnichy district of Saskatchewan, where there had been an active Métis organization for several years. He became active in the Red Power Movement.

Jim became a field worker for the Métis Society in 1964, and worked throughout Saskatchewan organizing local groups. In 1967, he was elected to the board of the newly formed Métis Society of Saskatchewan. ...

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