Tuesday, December 16, 2014

World War III news and updates .... December 16 .... Part 1

Warmongering Harper govt is playing with fire on Russia's border and not only putting Canadian economy in extreme danger but Canadian lives as well. October 2015 is not coming soon enough to kick these warmongers out of office and restore Canada to a peaceful nation that believes in diplomacy first, second and always.

Moreover, there are plenty of rumors that the angel-faced devil in disguise Harper is planning on sending Canadian troops to the Middle East.  Does the Harper government really think Canadian voters of Ukrainian and Jewish descent will give them victory come election time when we have imported millions of  baby-making immigrants from other religions which far, far outnumber the potential Jewish and Ukrainian Canadian voters?  When will this govt stop bending over for the USA and sucking up to Israel and polishing apples for the Ukraine and start thinking of Canada and Canadians first?  

Why are we interfering with Russia?  Is Russia coming to invade us from the North? 

From CBCnews
Canada to train Ukrainian military cops as Ottawa seeks closer ties
'This is a continuing effort,' says Defence Minister Rob Nicholson
The Harper government signalled Monday it wants to create deeper defence ties with Ukraine, signing a declaration that could lead to broader military co-operation in one of the most volatile parts of the globe.
As part of that pronouncement, Defence Minister Rob Nicholson revealed Canada is searching for bilateral ways to expand military training with the embattled country and that a team of trainers has arrived for an unspecified mission......
.....Canada has already donated quantities of non-lethal military equipment to the government in Kyiv.
In August, the Harper government delivered helmets, protective eyewear, first-aid kits, tents and sleeping bags......

From TheStar:
By sending military aid to Ukraine, Canada is throwing tinder on a conflict that shows no sign of letting up.
It’s not a lot of tinder. Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Conservative government says it will provide items such as sleeping bags and helmets to help Kyiv’s army fight eastern separatists sympathetic to Russia.

From SputnikNews:
Kiev Denies Allegations of NATO Equipment Shipments to Closed Airports
Transport planes, combat aircraft and strike helicopters were spotted by militia fighters in eastern Ukraine.
The Eastern Ukrainian militia reports an increase of air activity over the territory controlled by the Ukrainian forces, according to Rossiyskaya Gazeta. The militia fighters spotted transport and attack planes, as well as strike and multipurpose helicopters.
The biggest increase of activity is reported over the airfields in Kramatorsk and Chuhuiv where military equipment is shipped from Dnepropetrovsk. In addition, the militia reports that four NATO transport planes landed in Zaporizhia airport last night, carrying cargo containers and some unspecified equipment.....

From CBC:
Iraq crisis: Canadians on the ground in Iraq, Rob Nicholson says  
Canadian personnel are already working in Iraq following a pledge to send dozens of military advisers to help Kurdish forces battle ISIS, Defence Minister Rob Nicholson said Tuesday.

Last week, the federal government said it would send a group of experts to advise on tactics for fighting the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, also known as ISIS or ISIL. The Canadian military advisers will mainly be members from the Canadian Special Operations Regiment. 

Nicholson and Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird appeared before the House foreign affairs committee Tuesday morning, where they gave few details of the 30-day deployment, citing operational security.
"We're moving as quickly as possible and, as I indicated to you, there are already on the ground members of the Canadian lead in this area," Nicholson said. 
"We don't give the exact time and place up for obvious security reasons."
Both Nicholson and Baird said the mission will be re-evaluated after 30 days, making no promises that the deployment will end then.....

From BBC:
Islamic State: Coalition 'pledges more troops' for Iraq  
The US-led coalition fighting Islamic State (IS) militants has pledged to send an additional 1,500 troops to Iraq, a top US commander has said.
Lt Gen James Terry, who is co-ordinating efforts against IS, said the soldiers would be in addition to 3,100 US soldiers already promised.
He did not say which coalition nations would provide the extra troops or what role they would play......

From CBCNews
ISIS in Iraq: What Canada could offer if West decides on military action.
Range of options includes training for Kurdish fighters to surveillance planes.....
....In Iraq, Canada's ambassador to the region, Bruno Saccomani, has been meeting with Kurdish representatives in Iraq and had his picture taken on the "front lines" of the Peshmerga forces' fight against ISIS.

Any Canadian military contribution to the fight against ISIS would likely be small and specific. Canada almost never goes anywhere with its military force without allies alongside. Whatever is done would likely be in conjunction with American and, probably, British forces......

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