Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Let's test today to see if the Anglosphere MSM thinks 100+ Pakistani children's lives are anywhere equal to 2 Australian lives when lost to terrorism

I know the test results, but do you dear ostriches?

From TheHindu:
About 140 people, nearly all of them school children,  were massacred on Tuesday when heavily armed Taliban suicide bombers stormed a Pakistan army-run school in Peshawar, firing indiscriminately, leaving another 245 injured.

Dressed in para-military Frontier Corps uniforms, the six Arabic-speaking terrorists entered the Army Public School on Warsak Road around 10 a.m. (local time) and went from classroom to classroom shooting innocent children in one of the most gruesome terror attacks anywhere.

Before the Taliban attackers were eliminated on Tuesday night, they had killed nearly 140 people, nearly all of them students except a female school teacher and a watchman.

The death toll is likely to go up given the huge number of injured, some of them critically, senior officials in the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province said.

Earlier, reports had put the death toll at 160 but later it was scaled down.

During the over eight-hour standoff, the terrorists also took several hostages, including teachers and the principal of the school, and used them as human shield during the assault.

All six militants died in the attack with four of them blowing themselves up.

The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan claimed responsibility for the attack, the bloodiest in recent years since the 2008 suicide bombing in Karachi in which 150 people were killed.

The Taliban spokesman claimed that its 6 suicide bombers attacked the army school, saying it was a revenge for the military’s operation against militants in the North Waziristan tribal area close to Peshawar......

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