Friday, December 5, 2014

World War 3 news and updates .... December 5

USA, UK, Canada,  Australia, New Zealand, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Jordan, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, Israel, Syria, Turkey, Kurdistan, Yemen, Nigeria, France with (Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and Chad ) Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Albania, Estonia, Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Japan, Republic of Korea, Ireland, Spain, Slovakia, Norway, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Novorussia, Ukraine, Russia, Chechnya, Somalia, Iran, India, South Korea, North Korea,  Central African Republic, Kenya, Tunisia, The Philippines, Egypt,  Albania, Serbia, China, Sudan, South Sudan, Bukina Faso, Palestine, Georgia, Chad, Spain, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Indonesia, Nepal, Congo, Uganda, Romania.....

From CNN:
Suspected ISIS militants kill 16  Iraqi border guards
An attack by suspected ISIS militants on a border guard base near the Syrian border left at least 16 killed and four others seriously wounded according to Faleh al-Issawi, the deputy head of the Anbar provincial council in Iraq.
The militants slaughtered the 16 border guards, including their commanding officer, in a surprise early morning attack on Monday, al-Issawi said.
Four others are in critical condition, he said.
The base attacked is near al-Waleed border crossing, the only crossing Iraq has with Syria that is still controlled by Iraqi forces. ISIS maintains control of almost all of Anbar -- Iraq's largest province......

From Deutsche Welle
'IS' supply channels through Turkey  
Every day, trucks laden with food, clothing, and other supplies cross the border from Turkey to Syria. It is unclear who is picking up the goods. The haulers believe most of the cargo is going to the "Islamic State" militia. Oil, weapons, and soldiers are also being smuggled over the border, and Kurdish volunteers are now patrolling the area in a bid to stem the supplies.

Suicide Bomber Kills 9 at Afghanistan Funeral
The bombing comes amid a surge in violence and as the country's new leaders head to Europe.
A suicide bomber detonated his vest at a funeral Monday in Afghanistan, killing at least nine people, officials said.
The bombing – one of multiple attacks since foreign troops started pulling out of the country and new Afghan President Ashraf Ghani was inaugurated in September – killed two officers and seven civilians, The Wall Street Journal reported.
The bomber seemed to be targeting police and local officials at the funeral in the northern Burka district, where around 1,000 people gathered to mourn the death of a pro-government tribal chief, government official Taj Mohammed Taqwa told The Associated Press..........

From GlobalNews:
Police arrest 40 Hong Kong protesters as they step up their movement
Pro-democracy protesters clashed with police Monday as they tried to surround Hong Kong government headquarters to revitalize their flagging movement for democratic reforms after camping out on the city’s streets for more than two months.
Repeating scenes that have become familiar since the movement began in late September, protesters carrying umbrellas – which have become symbols of the pro-democracy movement – battled police armed with pepper spray, batons and riot shields........

From PressTV:
 Nigerian troops push out Boko Haram  from northeastern town
Nigerian army has managed to push Boko Haram militants out of the country’s second largest town in northeastern Nigeria through aerial and ground operations.
The army said on Friday that it had completed a mop-up operation in the town of Mubi in Adamawa State and was hunting for any terrorists who might still be in the area.
Mubi fell into the hands of the Takfiri Boko Haram group on October 29, when several people were killed and many others were forced from their homes.
The Nigerian army had once announced the recapture of the town in October......

From France24:
Boko Haram raid Lafarge cement works in NE Nigeria
Boko Haram militants on Thursday raided a cement facility owned by French group Lafarge as part of an attack on two towns in northeast Nigeria, witnesses said.
"The gunmen kept shouting 'Allahu Akbar' and firing guns haphazardly. They went into the cement factory and took away some vehicles," said Samail Adnan, who lives in Ashaka, in Gombe state.
A company staff member, who asked not to be identified, said the factory was evacuated before the raid.....

From NYTimes:
Militants Divide Kenya Miners by Religion, Then Begin Killing

The Kenyan miners were marched off in the predawn dark on Tuesday, some barefoot, others shirtless.
The Somali militants methodically separated the Christian workers from the Muslims and took the Christians to the side of a hill, near a gravel pit. Then they ordered the disbelievers to lie face down.
According to the Kenyan authorities, the militants killed 36 people, most of them young men. Many were shot in the back of the head, at close range, and some were decapitated. It appeared all the Muslims had been spared.
The killings, which followed a similar sequence on a passenger bus less than two weeks earlier, unnerved the Kenyan public and led to the ouster of Kenya’s top security chiefs.

“Innocent Kenyan lives have been lost, in a most harrowing manner, to these animals,” said Kenya’s president, Uhuru Kenyatta.
But, he said, “We will not flinch.”

Kenya has been severely hampered by Somali militants next door, a problem that never seems to go away. It started in the 1960s and became acute in the early 1990s, when Somalia’s government collapsed and hundreds of thousands of refugees, and waves of gunmen called shiftas, fled into Kenya.....

From AlJazeera:
A fierce battle for control  in Libya's desert
Conflict between Tebu and Tuareg tribes shows shifting allegiances in post-revolution fight for power and resources.
In Libya's southwest Saharan desert, near the vast el-Sharara oil field and the borders with Niger and Algeria, a fierce struggle for control of the small oasis town of Ubari and its surrounding area has dragged on since September.
This desert conflict illustrates the shift of tribal allegiances in the country's post-revolution fight over resources and power, now cast within the larger national context of Libya's two competing governments and their agendas as the country slides deeper into civil war.

"We are taking out dead bodies. Our challenge is how to get help inside the town, and to get people out," Mahmoud al-Araby, head of the Red Crescent Society in Ubari, told Al Jazeera. Along with his volunteer emergency health staff, he has been exiled to the nearby town of al-Ghoraifa.....

 From AlJazeera:
Deadly raid on army camp  in Indian Kashmir
Suicide attack ahead of visit to the region by Prime Minister Modi leaves eight soldiers and three policemen dead.
An attack on an army camp in Indian-administered Kashmir has killed eight soldiers and three policemen, as the state votes in local elections, according to Indian officials.
Six of the attackers also died during Friday's assault, described by officials as a suicide raid on the army camp in Uri, near the Line of Control (LoC) that divides the disputed Himalayan region.
The attack occurred ahead of a visit to the region on Monday by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Al Jazeera's Karishma Vyas, reporting from New Delhi, said that the attack started before dawn. ....

From TheLocal:
No arrests after bomb blast in Sweden's Malmö
Police have yet to make any arrests after a justice centre in Malmö was bombed late on Sunday night. The explosion resulted in substantial damage in what was the second attack on the building this year.
The bomb exploded just before midnight and damaged the main entrance and front of the building. Such was the force of the blast that several nearby properties had its windows blown apart. 
No one was seriously hurt but there was one person who had some minor injuries after being cut by shards of glass.......

From DailyStar:
ISIS commander threatens Lebanon over arrest of wife
An ISIS commander threatened to kidnap Lebanese women and children and end negotiations over the captive servicemen unless his wife and children, detained by authorities last week, are released soon.

In a video posted on YouTube, Anas Sharkas, better known by his nom de guerre as Abu Ali Al-Shishani, addressed Sunnis in the northern city of Tripoli and in Lebanon, urging them to retaliate for the detention of his family.
“My wife, Ola Mithqal al-Oqaily, Um Ali (the mother of Ali), was taken two days ago from Tripoli, the city that is called the city of Islam and Muslims,” Shishani said, sitting in front of an ISIS flag with two masked gunmen at his sides.
Oqaili is being held in a prison cell at the Lebanese Defense Ministry next to Baghdadi’s ex-wife, Saja Dulaimi, who is now in her third week of detention, under strict control measures by female soldiers.
The women’s arrest seemed to be an attempt by the government to obtain leverage in the ongoing negotiations over the release of servicemen held by the Nusra Front and ISIS.......

 News of Ukraine and Novorussia

From AntiWar:
Plane Caught on Video Backing Kurdish Forces
When you see a warplane overhead in Iraq, and its backing Kurdish Peshmerga forces in a battle against ISIS, you automatically think of the United States. They are, after all, the one with hundreds of planes in the area doing that.
But a video released today shows that their “anti-ISIS coalition” isn’t the only ones, as an Iranian F-4 Phantom is seen backing Kurdish fighters in trying to retake a pair of lost towns.
That Iran is involved in the ISIS war is hardly news, but the use of a warplane in a traditional US role is a major story, as it is all-but-impossible that Iran would be doing so without direct coordination with the US......

From Reuters:
At least 20 killed in fighting in Russia's Chechnya
Gunmen attacked a police post and stormed a building on Thursday in Grozny, capital of Russia's southern province of Chechnya, killing 10 policemen in clashes in which 10 of the attackers were also killed.
The bloodiest fighting in Chechnya for months erupted a few hours before President Vladimir Putin said in a speech in Moscow he would defend Russia against what he called attempts to dismember it.
The attack underlined the fragile security situation in Chechnya more than a decade after Putin sent troops to quell an Islamist separatist uprising there.
Ten policemen and 10 suspected militants were killed, Russia's National Anti-terrorism Committee (NAK) said, adding that another 28 law enforcement personnel had been wounded......

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