Friday, December 5, 2014

The new dictatorship of Egypt to criminalize insults to revolutions

Proud must be all those who thought there would be that elusive kind of democracy that the West is always hoping to  bring to these savage cavemen countries.

What the raving cheerleaders of the new dictator don't realize is that extreme measures from the ruling class are often what give rise to revolutions and civil wars.  When there is bloodshed in one country, that bloodshed spells into further discord in neighbouring countries and before you know it, similar  problems which seem so far away at the moment, begin to be seen and felt within one's own country too.  

From AlAkhbar:
Sisi to criminalize insults  to Egypt's "revolutions" of 2011 and 2013
President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi plans to issue decrees to criminalize insults to Egypt's two "revolutions" of 2011 and 2013, a spokesman said on Wednesday.

The first, a street uprising, toppled longtime military-backed autocrat Hosni Mubarak. The second also arose from mass anti-government protests but was taken over by the military then led by Sisi and brought about the overthrow of Islamist President Mohammed Mursi after a year in office.

The Muslim Brotherhood and other opponents of Sisi say the mid-2013 uprising was a coup rather than a revolution, and fear the proposed decree will stifle their scope to express such views amid a broader crackdown on public dissent by Sisi.

"Yes, it is true, but it has to be approved first by the cabinet," Sisi spokesman Alaa Youssef said of the planned law.

Egyptian media reported that the law was first announced following a meeting with young journalists Tuesday evening.

"Preparations are under way for two presidential decrees to criminalize the defamation of the January 25 (2011) and June 30 (2013) revolutions," Sisi said in a statement following the meeting, according to state news agency MENA.

The statement said the decrees come "within the framework of combating corruption and protecting public funds..." MENA said, and the cabinet would act on Sisi's move shortly......

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