Monday, December 22, 2014

WHO wants $8.4+ B to aid MILLIONS of diseased and wounded Syrians ....

I see more than half that money giving the world new millionaires and just a piddly little going to the real needy .... the sick, wounded and dying Syrians.  What do you see?  
Our world has become so very corrupt that the poor, the helpless and especially the honest, have no chance of keeping afloat in its bloodied waters.  The disparity between the rich and poor continues to grow.
The warmongering heartless bastards advocating for wars are doing so for precisely the chance of making money off the miseries that war brings with it.  We the sheeple are manipulated by the warmongers to back their money-making schemes in the name of patriotism with the mantra of helping citizens of the targeted countries from the "dictators" ruling over them.

Oliver Holmes writing at Reuters:
One million people wounded, diseases spreading in Syria: WHO

One million people have been wounded during Syria's civil war and diseases are spreading as regular supplies of medicine fail to reach patients, the World Health Organization's Syria representative said.

A plunge in vaccination rates from 90 percent before the war to 52 percent this year and contaminated water have added to the woes, allowing typhoid and hepatitis to advance, Elizabeth Hoff said in an interview late on Thursday.

More than 200,000 people have been killed in Syria's conflict, which began in March 2011 with popular protests against President Bashar al-Assad and spiraled into civil war after a crackdown by his security forces.

"In Syria, they have a million people injured as a direct result of the war. You can see it in the country when you travel around. You see a lot of amputees," said Hoff. "This is the biggest problem."

She said a collapsed health system, where over half of public hospitals are out of service, has meant that treatments for diseases and injuries are irregular..........

..........More than 6,500 cases of typhoid were reported this year across Syria and 4,200 cases of measles, the deadliest disease for Syrian children, Hoff said.

There was just one reported case of polio, which can paralyze children within hours, in 2014 following a vaccination drive, but other new diseases appeared, including myiasis, a tropical disease spread by flies which is also known as screw-worm, with 10 cases seen in the outskirts of Damascus.....

.........The United Nations called on Thursday for more than $8.4 billion to help nearly 18 million people in need in Syria and across the region in 2015.

Hoff said that the WHO delivered more than 13.5 million treatments of lifesaving medicines and medical supplies in 2014, up nearly threefold from the year before..........

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