Saturday, December 20, 2014

Two NYC police officers killed ... will this douse the flames of revolt or throw more fuel on the fire ...

and this time will it be from the other side?  Will the hate grow and grow and then just erupt like a furious fire throwing volcano?  

From USAToday:
2 NYC officers dead in ambush-style shooting  wo New York City police officers died after being shot "execution-style" in their parked patrol car Saturday.

In a somber press conference, New York City Police Commissioner William J. Bratton said the two officers were deliberately targeted because they were cops. He also acknowledged the danger officers take as part of the "thin blue line between us and anarchy."

"They were, quite simply, assassinated, targeted for their uniform and the responsibility they embraced," Bratton said. "Both were ambushed and murdered."

Bratton said the attacker approached the officers' vehicle from the passenger side and opened fire, shooting his weapon several times. The officers, Wenjin Liu and Raphael Ramos, "never had an opportunity to draw their weapons" and were "killed with no warning, no provocation," he said.

"They may have never even seen their assailant, their murderer," Bratton said.

The suspect, Ismaaiyl Brinsley, 28, fled to a nearby subway station, where he was found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, Bratton said.

Earlier Saturday, Brinsley shot his former girlfriend, injuring her at a Baltimore County, Md. residence, Bratton said. He also posted on the victim's Instagram account, where his comments indicated Brinsley had a "very strong bias against" police, he said. The postings will be investigated as authorities search for a motive............

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