Thursday, November 27, 2014

World War 3 news and updates .... November 27 .... Focus on Afghanistan

Obama and his mad administration in all their lunatic glory, have decided to continue keeping combat forces in Afghanistan and have strong-armed other NATO nations to do likewise.  In fact, the USA and others are increasing the combat forces in that country. 
IMO, the second phase, a very, very bloody phase of the Afghanistan war has now started and this plunges another dagger into the Rome of our times. 
The USA is suicidal  ...  even more so than the jihadi suicide bombers!

From DemocracyNow 
After Vowing to End Combat Mission in Afghanistan, Obama Secretly Extends America’s Longest War
President Obama has secretly extended the U.S. role in Afghanistan despite earlier promises to wind down America’s longest war. According to the New York Times, Obama has signed a classified order that ensures U.S. troops will have a direct role in fighting. In addition, the order reportedly enables American jets, bombers and drones to bolster Afghan troops on combat missions. And, under certain circumstances, it would apparently authorize U.S. air-strikes to support Afghan military operations throughout the country. 

The decision contradicts Obama’s earlier announcement that the U.S. military would have no combat role in Afghanistan next year. Afghanistan’s new president Ashraf Ghani has also backed an expanded U.S. military role. Ghani, who took office in September, has also reportedly lifted limits on U.S. airstrikes and joint raids that his predecessor Hamid Karzai had put in place. We go to Kabul to speak with Dr. Hakim, a peace activist and physician who has provided humanitarian relief in Afghanistan for the last decade. We are also joined by Kathy Kelly of Voices for Creative Nonviolence, who has just returned from Afghanistan.

From MaktoobNews:
Suicide blast at Afghan volleyball game kills 50: official
Around 50 people were killed and 60 others injured when a suicide blast ripped through crowds gathered to watch a volleyball game in eastern Afghanistan on Sunday, officials said.
"The suicide attacker was on a motorcycle, he detonated himself in the middle of a volleyball match," Attaullah Fazli, deputy governor of Paktika province, told AFP
"A lot of people including some provincial officials and the police chief were there. About 50 people have been killed, and 60 injured, a lot of them seriously.".......

From VICEnews dated November 27
Kabul Suicide Attack on UK Embassy Vehicle Kills Five
A suicide attack on a UK embassy vehicle in Kabul killed at least five people, including one British citizen, and wounded more than 30 others on Thursday, the UK Foreign Office said.

An assailant detonated what was initially reported to be a motorbike, but now believed to be a car, filled with explosives by the British vehicle in the Afghan capital. The subsequent blast destroyed at least four other vehicles and was heard across the city, eye witnesses told Sky News.

Five were killed in the incident and as many as 34 injured, according to the Afghan Health Ministry. A British Foreign Office spokesman told VICE News that the dead included one British national who was a civilian security team member and an Afghan national working for the embassy. A second security team member was injured.....

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