Thursday, November 27, 2014

Step by step the Rome of our times is losing its might

The bigger you are, the harder the fall and we know the fall is past due. There comes a time when even those you consider to be in the fold of the family, are no longer able to stomach the bullying and blackmail in return for the bribes you shower on them for their fake smiles and hugs.

Although, I like Google a lot, I can also see the multiple dangers of letting USA mammoths roam freely all over the earth and wage a monopoly on smaller businesses in countries other than the US. On this issue, the EU, amazingly for once, is doing the right thing.

Christopher Williams writing at TelegraphUK:
The European Parliament
approved a controversial motion in support of a break-up off Google over fears of its growing power on Thursday.
Europe's elected body has no direct power to intervene and the motion is viewed as mostly symbolic. MEPs' vote 384 to 174 in favour will, however, put pressure on the European Commission to act against Google.
The executive arm of the EU acts as the competition regulator and enforcer for the bloc and has been investigating alleged monopoly abuse by Google for several years.
Google has a roughly 90pc share of the general web search market in Europe and is accused by rivals of using that dominance to supress competition in related digital markets such as price comparison.
The "unbundling" proposed by the motion would formally split Google's main search engine from its other services, potentially including the Android smartphone operating system, which is also increasingly dominant.........

.......American politicians have leapt to the company's defence. A bipartisan letter from senior Senate and House of representatives figures emerged on Monday warning against the motion.
It said: "This and similar proposals build walls rather than bridges [and] do not appear to give full consideration to the negative effect such policies may have on the broader US-EU trade relationship."....

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