Thursday, October 2, 2014

Wanna see the US billionaires' listing, the puppet masters holding the strings .....

and making politicians of the USA and many outside the USA dance to their tune?

You will have to go to 
the link below and hover over the pics to get more detailed info.

Darrell M West writing at Brookings:
Darrell West's U.S. Billionaires Political Power Index

is a ranking of the top U.S. billionaires in terms of overall political power. There are a number of existing rankings that rate the net worth of billionaires, but no one has assessed their overall political influence. 

In his forthcoming Brookings Institution Press book, Billionaires: Reflections on the Upper Crust, Darrell West examines the political use of great wealth, including campaign expenditures, activism through nonprofit organizations and foundations, holding public office, media ownership, policy thought leadership, and behind the scenes influence....

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