Thursday, October 2, 2014

Messages from China

Don't mess with China ...  is one of them.

From Xinhuanet:
Hong Kong affairs are China's internal affairs and all countries should respect China's sovereignty, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said here on Wednesday.

Wang said this when he stressed the Chinese government's position on Hong Kong's current situation during his meetings with U.S. leaders at the White House and the State Department.

"This is also a basic principle governing international relations," the Chinese minister said.

The illegal "Occupy Central" movement started off early Sunday morning at the Government Headquarters in Admiralty in downtown Hong Kong, followed by mass protests in Central, Causeway Bay and Mongkok, leading to serious traffic disruptions and school closures.

"I believe for any country, for any society, no one will allow those illegal acts that violate public order," Wang said.

"We believe that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region's government has the capability to properly handle the current situation in accordance with the law," he added.

Hong Kong Chief Executive C Y Leung Tuesday urged "Occupy Central" organizers to end the protests immediately, saying the movement has been affecting Hong Kong people's daily lives.....

From Xinhuanet:
Commentary: China sends anti-war message on first Martyrs' Day  
On the eve of the National Day, Chinese leaders joined ordinary citizens in the Tian'anmen Square Tuesday to commemorate deceased national heroes on the first Martyrs' Day, sending a clear anti-war message to the world.

The Martyrs' Day was approved by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) -- China's top legislature -- last month to remember those who sacrificed their lives for national independence and prosperity, as well as the welfare of the people in modern times, or after the First Opium War (1840-1842).

The move is aimed at "publicizing martyrs' achievements and spirits, and cultivating patriotism, collectivism, and socialist moralities so as to consolidate the Chinese nation's cohesiveness," the NPC Standing Committee said in the decision.

Besides those martyrs who lost their lives for the common good, most Chinese martyrs died in wars in the last two centuries.

In the anti-Japanese war (1937-1945) alone, more than 35 million Chinese soldiers and civilians were killed or injured during the eight-year aggression, which was one of the bloodiest man-made catastrophe committed by Japan in human history..........

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