Saturday, October 25, 2014

The UK's dilemma .... be ruled by the nuts in Brussels or be ruled by the nuts for Shariah

Between a rock and another rock. Both very hard. 
Yup ... one has to pay one's dues when one lets go of one's liberty and one's individualism. Whether it's a nation or a person, it is the same.  Pay up UK!

From BBC:
Europe expects the UK to pay an extra £1.7bn  towards the EU budget "and that's that", a vice president of the European Parliament has said.

Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, a German MEP, said the EU would be "exasperated" if the UK tried to avoid payment.

On Friday David Cameron said the EU had "another think coming" if it thought Britain would pay the bill by the 1 December deadline.

The EU demanded the extra amount because of growth in the UK economy.

Mr Lambsdorff told the Today programme on BBC Radio 4 that "everybody has to pay their dues".
He added: "If you have higher GDP growth than forecast, that also means logically that you have a higher contribution to the community's budget.
"That is a logical consequence. That is something that everybody has signed up for." ....

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