Saturday, October 25, 2014

The hatred between Jews and Palestinians continues to continue

Amazing how everybody loves to round up numbers. I often wonder if it pains reporters to say "almost 400"  or "more than  400"  ... like in the article below one is left to wonder if the Jewish settlers went about counting the trees before burning them and then when they got to the 100th tree they stopped.

The vid in the embedded tweet is not from the latest event.  It's from about 3 years ago.  The burning and uprooting of the Palestinian farmers' olive trees by Jews is a seasonal occurrence and is many a time the reason for the West Bank Palestinian youth going on more intensified stone throwing protests. 

There's so much I didn't know about how the Jewish people behave when they migrate to Israel .... but I am learning.

From Al Akhbar:
As harvest season begins, As harvest season begins, Israeli settlers burn 100 Palestinian olive trees
A group of Zionist settlers set fire to around 100 olive trees owned by Palestinian farmers near Nablus in the northern West Bank, a Palestinian official said Wednesday, as the 2014 olive harvest, a major source of income for Palestinian farmers, begins.

"A group of settlers from the Yitzhar settlement located near Huwara town in Nablus set fire to the town's olive fields, causing the destruction of 100 trees," Ghassan Daghlas, the Palestinian Authority official in charge of the settlements file in the northern West Bank, told Anadolu Agency.

The attack sparked clashes between the settlers and local residents, which ended upon the arrival of Israeli Occupation Forces.

Daghlas condemned what he described as increasing settler attacks on Palestinian property and olive fields, slamming the Jewish-only Yitzhar settlement as "a center of extremism."

"The settlement hosts a religious school and a religious center that issues edicts that call for killing Palestinians and stealing their land," the official said.

Around 20,000 Jewish settlers live near Nablus in 39 Zionist-only settlements. Palestinian residents, for their part, complain of repeated attacks by settlers, who usually enjoy the protection of the Israeli forces.

Earlier this month, in the village of Yasuf in the Salfit district in the central West Bank, a large group of Israeli settlers violently beat 25-year-old Palestinian woman Alaa Fathi Atiyani while she was picking olives from trees with her children in an orchard, two days after dozens of Israeli settlers protected by soldiers burned and damaged olive trees in the village.

Similarly in Nablus, a group of Zionist settlers attacked Palestinian farmers and stole their olive crop, while another group chopped down dozens of olive trees on Palestinian agricultural lands.

The spate of attacks come as the 2014 olive harvest, a major source of income for Palestinian farmers, begins across the northern West Bank, and just weeks before harvesting begins across the south.

Attacks on the fall harvest are a key way that Palestinians are forced out of their homes and their lands confiscated for settlement construction, as the loss of a year's crop can signal destitution for farmers with no other way to support themselves.

According to a 2012 report on Israeli settler violence released by the Palestine Center, a Washington-based nonprofit, every year the olive harvest period sees the highest peak in attacks on Palestinian civilians and property.

Over 7,500 olive trees were damaged or destroyed by settlers between January and mid-October in 2012, according to OCHA.......

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