Tuesday, September 9, 2014

War footage of Syrian military intensifying fight against jihadis armed and funded by USA and her allies

According to the translation below this footage is from Jobar, Damascus. Jobar is just a few miles from Damascus centre. See the damage done to that beautiful part of the world by the powers-that-be and all because the head of that country is an enemy of Israel and never forgets to mention Israel and Israel's misdeeds in the region in almost every speech he gives.  If what is happening to Syria and Syrians and has already happened to Libya and Libyans is not a clear indication that Israel has a very strong hold over the US Senate, then you have willingly glued that blindfold over your eyes. 

Translation from YouTube:
In Dzhobare conducted a large-scale operation to eliminate gangs An Nusra Front and Igishev. 
After numerous fruitless negotiations with militants An Nusra Front and Igishev financially and politically supported by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey to end combat operations, delivery of arms and ammunition to nothing led. 
Dzhobare concentrated in a huge number of fighters, have a major resistance to the CAA through their overseas sponsors, provide them with various weapons. 
Militants each time received financial assistance from their patrons, so immediately intensified hostilities and attacks against civilians. Arranging constant shelling the surrounding areas and cities from rockets and mortars. At the hands of militants destroyed the building, killing innocent civilians, both adults and children. 
To get to the militants not an easy task, because they have rooted up the city as moles, changing the internal layout of the houses demolishing walls inside buildings for the free movement of vehicles on and under the houses maze of underground passages and lines of communication with the neighboring houses branching off in different directions, which makes them quite portable and protected. 
Dzhobare gathered in Adventure from around the world: the Saudis, Libyans, Chechens, Dagestani and many others wanting to make money. 
militants in the arsenal of the latest weapons, missiles "ground-to-ground", air defense systems, multiple memory, anti-system "Competition" cars equipped with memory. 
Offensive conducted from different directions. CAA confidence comes on the rebel positions and destroying enemy ukrepsooruzheniya. 
Marines preparing for battle and are waiting for the tanks. 
located at positions T-72 tanks to crush militants firing points and thus opening the way for the promotion of the infantry. 
Tankers are constantly changing the firing point, that would not allow the rebels to put accurate fire on military machine. 
Path cleared and infantry goes on the offensive. 
connected to the work of the BMP-2 firing emplacements militants without giving lean sniper or granatomёtchiku. 
CAA today worked on militant positions in all directions using aviation artileriyu, tanks and infantry. Alexey Pronin, Viktor Kuznetsov, Marat Musin, Anna-News, Sirmium.

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