Monday, September 8, 2014

Saudi Arabia wahhabism inspired terrorist army ISIS/ISIL/IS/xyz have state of the art weaponry

The terrorist army has a huge stock of weapons which the USA and her allies in the Middle East have been showering on the "opposition to Assad"  aka "moderate jihadis."  Obama's and McCain's pals, the "moderate jihadis"  were getting those weapons from way back in 2012.  Saudi Arabia and others in the region were  buying whatever they could get their hands on from the USA, China, Russia and any country willing to make a quick buck and loading the "moderate jihadis" with these weapons. The "moderate jihadis" even have cluster bombs, believe it or not, and have had them for a while now.  However, the NY Times only managed to find out about them just a few days ago, now that the shit has hit the fan and the stench has spread beyond the theatre of operations, Syria, where the USA-sponsored "moderate jihadis" were hired to go berserk in.

All the vids I have posted below are from several months ago, long before ISIS/ISIL/IS/xyz came on the scene in Iraq, and show the kind of weaponry that the jihadis in Syria had in their possession, the same weaponry that has now fallen into the hands of the terrorist army .... all thanks to Uncle Sam, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, probably even Turkey and Jordan and I wouldn't put it past Israel to have supplied something or the other either. 

Thomas Gibbons-Neff writing at WashingtonPost:
Anti-tank weapons that were likely once owned by moderate Syrian rebels have landed in the hands of Islamic State militants, according to a newly released field investigation conducted in both northern Iraq and Syria.

The Islamic State has also captured “significant quantities” of U.S.-manufactured small arms and has employed them on the battlefield, researchers found.

The investigation, led by a small-arms research organization known as Conflict Armament Research, marks a rare attempt to physically document the weapons being used by the Islamic State, the radical group that has expanded its control in parts of Syria and Iraq.

Militants with the group have picked up significant caches of arms after seizing Iraqi and Syrian military installations. The new research suggests they have also amassed arms after overrunning the moderate Syrian rebels being supplied by the United States and other allied nations.

To catalog the arms, field researchers embedded with Kurdish forces in Iraq and Syria for 10 days toward the end of July and were allowed access to Islamic State weapons that were captured after clashes. Along with the anti-tank weapons, manufactured in the former Yugoslavia, researchers documented a handful of U.S. M16A4 rifles, two Chinese Type 80 machine guns, a Croatian sniper rifle, a 9mm Glock pistol and various Soviet-era small arms.

In one case, U.S.-made weapons were found by the Kurdish forces near Ayn al-Arab, Syria. The weapons were likely obtained by the Islamic State after it conquered the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, roughly 300 miles away, according to field investigator Shawn Harris.

“They are transporting these weapons in batches, and have a solid organizational approach to moving these weapons around,” Harris said. “They’re operating as professionals.”.......

.........The most powerful weapons documented were the two 90mm Yugoslav anti-tank rocket launchers, known as “Osas,” which resembled rockets that were transferred to moderate Syrian rebels, reportedly by Saudi Arabia last year. It is purportedly shown in this video in the hands of a Free Syrian Army rebel last year:.....

.....The 25-pound rocket launchers have appeared in numerous battlefield videos shot in Syria and Iraq and were believed to be in Islamic State hands. But the new research marks the first time they have been physically documented, Spleeters said.

In March, the United States authorized the delivery of more sophisticated TOW anti-tank guided missiles to moderate rebels, after long resisting such deliveries out of fears that advanced weaponry would fall into the hands of extremist factions in Syria. Long before then, however, U.S. allies including Saudi Arabia and Qatar were funneling weaponry to various rebel factions in the conflict.......

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