Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Piecing together the tragic jigsaw puzzle of the greatest downfall of our times ....

the downfall of the mighty America the Great.

Investors in Trump's casino business are not having a good year.  One down and talk is afoot of another of his casinos closing soon. His casinos are not the only casinos closing for good. Millions of Americans who had plenty of money to throw around and enjoy the high life, can't afford such lifestyles anymore.  These are clear indicators that the downfall has already started, but most of us who are so used to seeing America as the richest nation on our planet are adamant that it's not happening and everything will be alright if we give it a bit more time.  Not gonna work, dear people. I know it's hard to believe it's happening.... but I fear it's too late to stop the carnage. The downfall has been in progress since long before 9/11 happened and since then everything has been speeding downhill with each new war.

From Yahoo:
Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino closed its doors early Tuesday, the fourth Atlantic City casino to go belly-up so far this year.
When it opened on May 14, 1984, Donald Trump called it the finest building in Atlantic City, and possibly the nation.
But since then, The Donald has left town and cut ties to its casinos. And the Plaza, like many Atlantic City casinos, has seen better days.
A downward spiral that saw it ranked last among the city's casinos ended Tuesday morning as about a half-dozen gamblers who stayed to the end got up from the lone blackjack table in operation or from a few slot machines and walked out beneath the dozens of glittery chandeliers for the last time.
Dealer Ruth Hardrick worked at Trump Plaza for 26 of its 30 years, but is now without a job. She's in a large group: About 8,000 Atlantic City casino workers have lost their jobs this year, and another 3,000 could join them if Trump Plaza's parent company makes good on its threat to shutter the Trump Taj Mahal Casino resort in November.

"What's the next step? Where do we go from here?" she asked. "It's happening all over. A lot of us are in the same boat. You think something will come along (to save the casino). And it didn't."
Atlantic City began the year with 12 casinos. It now has eight...........

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