Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Canadian spies met their death by hanging in foreign lands because they went "rogue"?

Don't know what to make of this story.   The strange part of this tale is not that they were tortured and killed (that's a given as all those Bond films have shown us) but that the spies' behaviour is inferred as "rogue" .... that part I don't understand.  Why would you think that they went "rogue" if they were doing what spies are supposed to do?  Spies travel a lot to learn what's happening in other countries, right?  So how will they have documentation of the going-ons without photographing what they see?  Isn't that a requirement of their portfolio? 
There are no "rogue" spies.  Don't let this tale brainwash you into thinking that these guys who died in the service of their country went "rogue" .... that's an insult to the dead spies and to their families. 

Andrew McIntosh writing at EdmontonSun:
A handful of Canadian spies went "rogue" overseas, got caught and were then "tortured and hanged," the former head of Canada's Security and Intelligence Review Committee (SIRC) has alleged in a new tell-all book.

The fiasco was allegedly covered up and hidden from Canadians, from Parliament and from the spies' own families, Arthur Porter writes in a his new book, The Man Behind The Bow Tie.

That's because Canada's spies were photographing military tanks and other hardware inside a foreign country "without the formal approval" of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), writes Porter, who served at SIRC between 2008 and 2011.

Porter does not name the country where Canadian spies were executed, but it was referred to as "a country that was not exactly a close friend of Canada."

"Canadians ended up losing their lives. They were tortured and hanged. We had to keep the truth of how they died from their families, telling them instead that they fell off a balcony in Dubai, for example," Porter writes in his book.

"None of these incidents ever made the papers, and they were not isolated incidents. For whatever reason, agents sometimes went rogue, a bit too James Bond, and stretched the limits of their official position," Porter adds.

Canada's intelligence community was palpably uncomfortable when asked about the allegations of rogue spies and executions overseas........

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