Thursday, August 14, 2014

What happens when one plays chess with oneself?

People playing chess with themselves, make moves that only people with their kind of intellect would be able to understand, predict, anticipate or counteract.  And, that's the reason why the "best of minds" and the best laid plans by those "best of minds" fall into utter ruins.  

The whole diabolical plan to oust Syria's Assad, a supposed arch foe of  Israel and the Israel-owned USA  .... has now given the USA and of course Canada, Australia and the UK .... plenty of blessings in the form of thousands of Syrian refugees.  So, all you Israel-lovers and Muslim-haters who never look at the root cause of the ME conflicts and criticize the government for bringing more Muslims to our Western world .... wake up and STFU. 

Below, from the Refugee Resettlement Watch blog, which leans pro-Israel and anti-Muslim immigrants, one gets a glimpse as to the number of Syrian Muslim refugees already imported, being imported, about to be imported and to be imported in 2015 and onwards on an ongoing basis.  

Enjoy the fruits of  the conflicts in the ME suckers!  Keep telling Israel it is doing no wrong and to keep up the good job.  

US State Dept. contractor resettles first Syrian Sunni Muslims to Georgia  
State Dept: Surge of Syrians to arrive in 2015-2016

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