Thursday, August 14, 2014

Ferguson, Missouri is 60% Black but has virtually "all white" cops, many trained by the IDF in Israel

Wondering if the Blacks in that part of Missouri are now seen as Palestinians by the cops who have had their training in Israel.  What an uproar all over the USA because of what the cops did in Ferguson, eh?  Yet, most Americans are unaware or don't give two figs about these same tactics the IDF uses on the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank on a regular basis. 

Hopefully, more cities where there are IDF-trained cops,will get a chance to show peaceful protesters what else is in the IDF training manuals to help wake up folks to the injustice being done to the Palestinians at the hands of the Israelis. 

Hannah Levintova, Tasneem Raja, Ivylise Simones and AJ Vicens give some shocking stats at MotherJones:
Black residents of Ferguson, Missouri, the working-class city in northern St. Louis county where an unarmed black teenager was shot dead by police officers on Saturday, say the town has been a "powder keg" of racial imbalance for decades. "They treat us like second class all the way down the line," one black resident told the LA Times. A black city alderman said the ensuing protests are "a boiling over of tensions that had been going on for a long while."

Here's a by-the-numbers look at who lives in Ferguson, who's in charge, who gets stopped by police, and more............

From AP via CBC:
Ferguson police Chief Thomas Jackson said his force will change its tactics in the wake of violent protests sparked by the shooting of unarmed 18-year-old Missouri teenager Michael Brown.

"What’s happening now is not what any of us want," Jackson told reporters Thursday.
"It's a powder keg," Jackson said about the current situation, adding that officials are putting together a plan to help facilitate the protests in a peaceful manner.
“We need to get everyone to calm down and try to bring some peace to this. We want everybody to protest, we know they’re going to protest, we want to facilitate their ability to protest because it’s a constitutional right.

"We’re going to hope for the best. We’re changing our tactics.”
But Jackson said the tactical units will be out if firebombs are thrown...........

Muriel Kane writing at TheRawStory:
Report: Israeli model underlies militarization of U.S. police  

The extreme militarization of American police forces has been brought to public attention by the tactics employed against Occupy protesters, which often appear more appropriate to counter-terrorism operations than to the control of non-violent protest. According to investigative journalist Max Blumenthal, however, the proper term for this ruthless suppression of dissent should be “Israelification.”

In an article which begins with examples of American police training alongside Israeli security forces, Blumenthal writes, “Having been schooled in Israeli tactics perfected during a 63 year experience of controlling, dispossessing, and occupying an indigenous population, local police forces have adapted them to monitor Muslim and immigrant neighborhoods in US cities. Meanwhile, former Israeli military officers have been hired to spearhead security operations at American airports and suburban shopping malls, leading to a wave of disturbing incidents of racial profiling, intimidation, and FBI interrogations of innocent, unsuspecting people. The New York Police Department’s disclosure that it deployed ‘counter-terror’ measures against Occupy protesters encamped in downtown Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park is just the latest example of the so-called War on Terror creeping into every day life. Revelations like these have raised serious questions about the extent to which Israeli-inspired tactics are being used to suppress the Occupy movement.”.........

More here.  

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