Monday, August 18, 2014

Ron Paul interviews Congressman Walter Jones on declassification of 9/11 Secrets

From Voices of Liberty:
‘No Hope for America’s Future’   If 9/11 Secrets Are Not Declassified

In an interview with the Ron Paul Channel, Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC) shares his thoughts on the 28 pages from the 9/11 Commission report that remain classified. He and Congressman Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.) introduced H. Res 428 last year demanding the declassification of 28 pages of information and to give the American public a clearer picture of who was involved in the 9/11 attack.

According to Congressman Jones:

“You have to go down into a room that is guarded by uniformed officers, and then also you have an FBI person to sit there in the room. you can’t make any notes. The Bush people do not want it released. It’s not a national security issue. But it would be embarrassing to the previous administration if this information is opened for the public. . . . There will be no hope for America’s future if the American people don’t know the truth about a tragedy such as 9/11.”.........

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