Monday, August 18, 2014

Flights over Syria barred by FAA

The reason given is that  "armed extremist groups are known to be equipped with a variety of anti-aircraft weapons which have the capability to threaten civilian aircraft.”   Hah!!   I somehow find it hard to believe that all of a sudden the FAA comes to this realization, something  that millions of us already knew about a couple of years ago. 

Something sneaky is going on or else the Syrian govt. has notified parties concerned that unidentified aircraft will be shot down by the Syrian air force. USA's trigger happy air force is bombing away in Iraq at the designated enemy, at least for now  ... but one never knows when they might lose their mapping and start bombing Syria, eh? After all, let's not forget that they lost their maps on way to Saudi Arabia after 9/11 and ended up destroying the wrong country .... Iraq.  

From Bloomberg:
 The Federal Aviation Administration  barred U.S. airlines from flying over Syria, the latest war zone judged too risky for civilian carriers.

The decision was made after the FAA reassessed the risks to aviation over the country, the agency said today in a statement. No U.S. airlines are currently flying over Syria, according to the FAA.

“The ongoing armed conflict and volatile security environment in Syria poses a serious potential threat to civil aviation,” the agency said. “Armed extremist groups in Syria are known to be equipped with a variety of anti-aircraft weapons which have the capability to threaten civilian aircraft.”....

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