Tuesday, August 5, 2014

News on Lebanon and the wahhabi jihadists now inside its border .... August 5, 2014

Just like predicted by little nobodies like moi, that the funding, arming, training of jihadists for the sole purpose of ousting Assad from Syria would result in an upheaval of the entire region,that easy to predict scenario is coming true.  If this jihadi army is not dealt with right now, you can expect them to invade other borders. That's a given.

Ironic, isn't it?  The Lebanese govt is taking financing from the Saudis to buy weapons to fight against the very monster Saudis and their allies in that region plus their allies around the world, have created.

From AlAkhbar:
Two more soldiers die in east Lebanon battle, girl killed in Tripoli.
Two Lebanese soldiers were killed in fighting with Islamist militants overnight in the town of Ersal on the border with Syria and an eight-year-old girl was shot dead in clashes in a northern city, security sources said on Tuesday.

The fighting in Ersal in the north of the Bekaa Valley is the most serious spillover into Lebanon from Syria's civil war since that conflict began more than three years ago.

The violence prompted army chief General Jean Kahwaji on Tuesday to call on France to speed up the delivery of weapons under a Saudi-financed deal.
"This battle requires equipment, materiel and technology that the army doesn't have," Kahwaji told AFP.....

From DailyStar:
The man pointed to an Army barracks just a couple of kilometers from his house that had been taken over by militants the day before, as artillery fire echoed from the mountain.

“If you have faith in God, then nothing else matters,” he said, when asked if he feared being so close to the battle raging over the hill.

The Lebanese Army tightened the noose on militants linked to the Nusra Front and other rebel groups in the embattled town of Arsal, as over 3,000 families fled the town in search of a refuge from the fighting, during a three-hour truce Monday morning.

“I don’t know where they came from,” said Hala, a Lebanese refugee who fled Arsal Thursday morning with her husband and two young children, as their car idled on the road leading away from Arsal and toward the nearest town of Labweh. “They suddenly emerged and surrounded the town.”

As she held her daughter, she said rockets had landed close to their house as the fighting raged the night before. Nobody had dared leave their home with militants in the streets. “They were shooting at cars, nobody dared go out of their houses,” she said. “May God not forgive them.”

In the morning, the family drove down to an intersection, where gunmen with covered faces ushered them out with the other displaced families.
“We don’t know where they are from, nobody dared speak to them,” she said. “Whoever talks to them gets shot at.”.....

From AlAkhbar:
The fatal injury suffered by ISIS’ emir in Qalamoun, Abu Hassan al-Filastini, tipped the balance and the situation in Ersal became unstable. ISIS fighters plundered the town in retaliation for his death and captured several prisoners from the Lebanese military. They took control of the area, assisted by the followers of Imad Jumaa (a Syrian) and a third faction that arrived recently. However, al-Nusra Front remains the strongest of the groups on the ground.

Sources close to al-Nusra Front informed Al-Akhbar that it had entered the town to protect its residents from retaliation by insurgents. However, they clashed with the army and threatened to expand the scope of the confrontation and use car bombs, unless it stops its operations carried out "with Hezbollah's assistance."

According to several Syrian refugees, the bodies of civilians – some killed by ISIS fighters and others by the shelling – are scattered in the streets of the conflict ravaged town in the northern Bekaa......

From NOWmedia:
Future bloc warns Hezbollah against entering Arsal fighting
The Future bloc warned on Tuesday Hezbollah against intervening in the battles between the Lebanese Armed Forces and Islamist militants taking place in Arsal under any pretext.

“The government must take a final decision to protect national sovereignty, work seriously to stop the [fighting], release the abducted army and security forces members, and aid the residents of Arsal,” the bloc stressed following its weekly meeting. 
The bloc also demanded the government to “deploy troops along the eastern and northern borders and benefit from UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which stipulates that UN emergency forces can aid the Lebanese army.”......

From Naharnet:
Hizbullah on Tuesday  denied that its fighters were involved in the ongoing battles between army troops and extremist militants in the eastern border town of Arsal, hailing the cabinet's “firm stance to confront takfiri terrorism.”
"What is happening on ground, like dealing with the military situation, protecting citizens and confronting terrorist armed groups is exclusively the responsibility of the Lebanese army,” Hizbullah said in a statement released on Tuesday afternoon.
"And Hizbullah has not intervened in what is happening in Arsal,” the statement assured.....

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