Tuesday, August 5, 2014

And now, let us welcome the refugees from Libya

Yeah, why not!  Upheaval in the Middle East  has created millions of refugees but we dare not voice what exactly is the root cause for the uprooting of these millions of poor souls who were unfortunate enough to have been born in countries which are considered a danger to those two special countries of the Middle East.
In about a couple of decades, maybe sooner, the voting power in the West will be with the refugees of today.  Won't that be great to watch?  I hope I will be alive to see that. It will be a blast. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH .... Karma, baby, Karma.  One never escapes it.

Concern mounts for refugees and asylum-seekers in Libya.

UNHCR is deeply concerned about the safety of refugees and asylum-seekers in Libya as violence escalates. Almost 37,000 people are registered with UNHCR in Tripoli and Benghazi, with many living in areas heavily damaged by fighting and unable to leave to safer areas due to ongoing clashes.

In Tripoli alone, more than 150 people from Eritrea, Somalia and other countries have phoned our protection hotline seeking help with medicines or a safer place to stay. We are also receiving calls from many of the mainly Syrian and Palestinian asylum-seekers and refugees in Benghazi who are in dire need of assistance.

UNHCR continues to work with its NGO partners on the ground to deliver assistance and advocate on behalf of refugees and asylum but the situation is rapidly deteriorating and many see leaving Libya as the only option.

Amidst the growing lawlessness, the smugglers thrive and thousands of desperate people are taking the dangerous sea journey to Europe. Some 88,000 people are estimated to have arrived in Italy by boat so far in 2014 – including 11,000 over the past fortnight – of whom about 77,000 are believed to have departed from Libya. This is already more than double the known number of crossings last year, when some 43,000 arrived in Italy, about half of them departing from Libya.

The recent fighting around Tripoli appears to have moved departure points away from the capital, with more boats now leaving from points to the east such as Al-Khums and Benghazi. UNHCR has heard of a group of 500 Syrians leaving on three boats over the past week directly from Benghazi – a new and more dangerous departure point as it means a longer journey to Italy.

Over 1,000 people have died in the Mediterranean this year, with the latest casualties drowning last week off Al-Khums, about 100 kilometres east of Tripoli. The 128 victims held mostly African nationalities and included many women and children. UNHCR, through its partner IMC, is providing medical care and relief items to the 22 survivors of the incident.

Meanwhile, UNHCR is concerned that not all people seeking safety can cross Libya's land borders and urges Libyan authorities to relax exit visa restrictions to allow people to leave. At the same time, we are asking the governments of Egypt and Tunisia to keep their borders open to those fleeing violence and seeking international protection.......

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