Friday, August 1, 2014

Australian TV ABC-24 ... too late the hero, just like New York Times and other MSM beginning to report on Ukraine

Example of yet another news medium coming too late to the party on the Ukraine civil war.

If the TV networks had done their job informing the world about the dangerous situation in East Ukraine, the Malaysian flight MH17 would have not been flying over that area.  In a just and sane world, there would be an investigation to determine why the Western MSM threw a blanket on the civil war in east Ukraine.  Who was responsible for the directive to editors and journalists to refrain from reporting on the Ukraine situation?  

From LiveLeak:
Australian TV station ABC-24 correspondent Stephen McDonell, on the ground in Ukraine following the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, talks to ordinary residents as the arm wrestle between pro-Russian separatists and Ukrainian nationals rages....

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