Friday, August 1, 2014

And, NO ... many of us have not forgotten about Iraq and the atrocities going on there ....

which almost ....but not quite, equal the atrocities committed by a modern and before now, what we thought of as a sane and adult nation. The racist nation of Israel is finally showing its true face to the world. AND, it's ugly in the very extreme.  

I don't want to talk about Israel .... it's depressing.  I have read and seen what Israelis say and do and if you substitute the Hebrew of the Jews for the Arabic of the Muslims, there's hardly any difference in the utter racism and total hatred coming from Judaism-based Israelis and the Koran-based  Muslims.  

After this, there will be millions around the world who will associate both Israelis and Muslims as being the major troublemakers on our planet Earth.

Below are the first few items from the Sitrep for Iraq from Vineyard of the Saker blog.

July 31st - August 1st Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo

Correction: The report regarding the resettlement of 10000 families by the government of Baghdad to four provinces of Central Iraq, dated 

26th July, should in fact read 10000 individuals, not families. 
25th July: Indian Sunni Cleric Salman Nadvi writes a letter to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia offering to raise an army of 500000 Sunni Muslim volunteers from India to help fight in Iraq (against Shia militias) and establish a Saudi backed Caliphate. 

28th July: The government of Iraqi Kurdistan has approached a Texas court in the United States that states that the oil that was aboard the United Kalavrvta vessel was owned and lawfully belongs to Iraqi Kurdistan and can be sold by them. The Kurdistan Government has also informed the court that the matter does not fall within the jurisdiction of a US court. 

30th July: The Judge hearing the dispute over the ownership of the oil being carried by United Kalavrta in the United States has stopped the ship from offloading its cargo in Houston, Texas. 
30th July: Arabt camp in Sulaimaniyeh that used to house Syrian refugees will now be empties of Syrians to house Iraqi Refugees displaced internally. 

31st July: Playing with Demographics: Daash has cleared the centre of Saadia, Diyala of Shiites and Kurds. It has also been spreading the rumor that the Shia Kurds there are trying to expel Sunnis from there. 
31st July: Christoph Katsaan, the Charge d’affaires of France to Iraq visits with the Iraqi President Fuad Masum and delivers a letter from French President Francois Hollande. 
31st July: Daash fighters reenter the south of Jalawala that was freed last week. Daash managed to enter the town after the Peshmergas acted slowly in redeploying to the recently freed south. Local residents are requesting the Peshmergas to act quickly and decisively. .............

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