Friday, July 11, 2014

While Sunnis kill Shiites in Iraq and Syria, Shiites kill Sunnis in Yemen

Just in case you have forgotten, Yemen's low-key civil war has been going on for almost as long as the Syrian conflict.  USA has been helping Saudi Arabia by using drones to kill Saudi Arabia's enemies which also included prominent upcoming Yemeni Sunnis as well as Shiites.  This is a proxy war between the USA helping Saudi Arabia and Iran and probably Syria as well, helping the other side.

The Houthi tribes have now captured one of Yemen's main cities but according to them they won't take control of the city. They are there to root out their enemies. Can we expect operations from there making inroads into Saudi Arabia? What's not to like about that?  

From AlJazeera:
Yemeni rebels capture northern city. 
Houthi fighters take control of Amran after weeks of fighting soldiers and Sunnis from one of Yemen's largest tribes.

Fighters from a Yemeni Shia rebel group have taken control of a northwestern city where they have been fighting for weeks with conservative Sunnis from one of the country's largest tribes, government and military officials have said.

The officials said the rebels seized control of the city of Amran, about 70km north of the capital Sanaa, on Tuesday, deploying fighters and vehicles at government offices, banks and shops.

Witnesses said fighters from the Hashid tribal confederation, one of Yemen's largest, allied with the country's Muslim Brotherhood group, the Islah party, were nowhere to be seen in the city.

During weeks of fighting, the tribesmen were backed by a local army unit. But the officials and witnesses said the rebel fighters did not storm or take over the military camps in the city.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to speak to the media.

The Shia Houthis were backed by other local tribes in Amran province, including disgruntled members of the Hashid and members of another large tribal confederation, Bakil.

Mohammed Abdul-Salam, a spokesman for the Houthi rebels, said his group had no intention of replacing the government in the city, adding that it was only fighting what he called an extremist group.....

Part 2
Part 3

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