Friday, July 11, 2014

Obama's man in Chicago can't handle black crime, pleading for Feds to come help

Disgusting!  Both the black crimes going on in Chicago and Mayor Rahm Emanuel.  First and above all, instead of teaching the black community that women can't go producing baby after baby with different fathers, and fathers should take responsibility in bringing up their kids, what do the idiots in America go and do?  They make movies glorifying black men having babies with several women ... both black and white. They make movies showing it's perfect to have kids without being married. The consequences of such misleading  and degrading social concepts as portrayed in these movies, is what you see in Chicago.... children begotten in short term relationships with dozens of men by mothers who churn out babies because each baby means more money and more free things from the government.  Those babies grow up fatherless because they have whores for mothers.  What do you expect from such youth?  Without solving the root problem,  the gang problem in Chicago and other cities of America, will never go away.

I like that in Canada, we have government sponsored TV commercials lauding the merits of fatherhood (I couldn't find an example to post in this blog, but have seen them recently on CBC during the World Cup games) that sends a soft message to the black community without appearing to be critical of it. Also, in Canada we have this Step By Step in how to engage fathers in the early development of children.

Alternately, locations where black communities dominate, should have events like the one below where some sense can be drummed into the black women because they are the main culprits in the black crimes committed by their children.

From FoxNews:
Jasmine Curry, a mother of five and five months pregnant, lay dead along Chicago’s Dan Ryan expressway Wednesday morning, the latest victim in Chicago’s epidemic of gunfire with a bullet to the head.

It was uncommon that she was shot on the expressway, not uncommon that someone from her neighborhood was killed. In fact, Jasmine was not even the first person in her family to be gunned down.

“Now I have to bury another child,” said her father, Pierre Curry, sometimes weeping, sometimes with a matter of fact callousness. “I had to bury my last-born last year. I have to bury my first-born this year.”

The gangland vendettas raged on the South and West Sides of Chicago over the holiday weekend. Thirteen people were killed, another 58 wounded as the bullets flew. Police were fired on and in at least five incidents, they returned fire, killing two.

From the basement of the Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church,Rev. Jesse Jackson inferred that city leaders in Chicago could not handle the violence on their own and federal resources were needed to control the flow of illegal weapons.

“We’re crying out, the FBI must intervene,” he said.

Jackson also demanded federal funds to rebuild the blighted communities that are incubators for the gun violence.

“If we can find the money necessary to help children on the borders,$2 billion can come to Chicago to make where we live safe and secure,” Jackson said. “We deserve safety. We’re not getting safety.”

Like Jackson, Mayor Rahm Emanuel also appealed for federal resources. Also like Jackson, he stopped short of pointing directly at President Obama.

“I wouldn’t put this at the president’s door,” he said. “I would put this at the door of Washington, D.C. This has been a long time where they stopped investing in our children. They need to start investing in our kids.”..............

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