Saturday, July 26, 2014

The mountain of HATE in Gaza is reaching the skies ....

can you blame the ordinary Gazans who probably had no interest in politics and Hamas before now, but will henceforth build intense hatred for Israel and anything Jewish for generations to come?

I know for a certainty that I would be feeling tonnes of hate along with the grief, if I saw my family torn to pieces and scattered around me in bloody chunks.  I would not give a fuck about why and how and the nitty-gritty of what Hamas is doing to Israel by lobbying their ineffectual rockets,  I would just be too busy hating the butchers from Israel. Put yourselves in their shoes and see how you would feel if you had no interest in politics and just wanted to get on with your ordinary lives.  Everybody in Gaza is not Hamas, people.  Think, for goodness sake!  Think past the brainwashing!  Try to wrench at least a bit of humanity from the far reaches of whatever kind of a soul or conscience you have remaining inside you somewhere.

From Mondoweiss:
Ayman Abu Toaimah, 32, a resident of Khuza’a recalls, “As Israeli invading troops advanced to the village they besieged it and used residents as human shields. When the Israeli army arrested people and then released some of them, they were told they are free to go back to the village, but as they were fleeing they came under fire and some of them shot dead. These people were used as human shields.”

Abu Saleem, 56, a resident of Khuza’a echoed Abu Toaimah, “Israelis claim that Hamas is using us as human shields– how? This is a lie, we do not see fighters in the streets. It’s them, the Israelis who used us as human shields in Khuza’a and Shuja’iyeh. They turned our houses into military posts, terrified residents in the houses. They attacked innocent civilians with their bombs, and missiles, they attacked chicken farms, they burned our crops, they have no mercy.”

What happened in Khuza’a was a massacre. Civilians were killed in their homes and while they were fleeing. Even ambulances were not immune. Paramedics report that Israeli forces stopped ambulances that were trying to reach casualties and tried to arrest a number of wounded. Ambulances came under fire despite the coordination by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Scenes of dead bodies scattered in the streets reminiscent of the Sabra and Shatila massacre that took place in two Palestinian refugee camps in 1982 have begun to leak out of the village.

Abu Ali Qudail a resident of Khuza’a said: “When the ICRC told us that ambulances are waiting us at the entrance of the village from the western side, about 1,000 people rushed to leave their homes, some of which were used as a hideout for Israeli forces. As people were leaving they were surprised that the ambulances were not there, and as we were waiting tank shells rained down on our heads.”

Many people were killed, many others injured. Survivors say they could not help the wounded, many were still under the rubble, homes were destroyed and the smell of smoke and bombs was everywhere.

Abu Ali Qudail continued: “I was watching members of my family dying in front of me, some of them were torn to pieces. Rami, Ibrahim, Alia, Haj Abed died..we had to leave them behind, as soon as we reached one of the Khan Younis schools we entered it to seek shelter but it was very crowded with people who fled their homes. It’s hard to see people dying and you do not know what to do. One of my relatives’ homes were struck while they were inside.”........

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