Saturday, July 26, 2014

Prediction: "Tranny" surgeries will become a "hole" big booming industry ....

get on the ground floor, invest in these money-making surgery clinics and become rich while simultaneously enforcing the paper walls of the Babylonian West and doing your bit for the expanding depravity of its social structure. Tranny surgeons will be the new billionaires now.... wait and see.

We like to see labels stating the ingredients on the stuff we buy for consumption and otherwise, don't we?  Will the potential beaux of trannies be informed of what the trannies were before the slicing and dicing?  Imagine a man falling for a person he thinks is a woman and afterwards learns he is in love with a person who was born a male and had his junk removed and hence the cavity between the legs he fiddled with is just a hole not a vagina.  Nice, eh?!

From Yahoo:
Model Andreja Pejic Comes Out as Transgender.

Andreja Pejic, the Bosnian-born supermodel known for her striking androgyny, has come out as transgender, announcing on social media Thursday that she’s officially transitioned from male to female, and that doing so has saved her life.
“As a transgender woman I hope to show that after transition (a life-saving process) one can be happy and successful in their new chapter without having to alienate their past,” the 22-year-old wrote in amessage to Facebook fans, in which she thanked everyone for their support over the years. “I think we all evolve as we get older and that’s normal but I like to think that my recent transition hasn’t made me into a different individual. Same person, no difference at all just a different sex, I hope you can all understand that.”....

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