Sunday, July 6, 2014

The $ daze is coming to an end

I predict  4-5 years for the natural waning of the US $  as one by one the main trading nations of the world shun the bully nation... or if Mother Nature deals a  blow like a major earthquake in California or the Yellowstone volcano blows up between now and the coming half decade, or if the USA goes forth into yet another war and is badly defeated ... then all bets are off.  The US $ could plunge overnight by 20% if not more.  

Song Jung-a and Shawn Donnan writing at FinancialTimes:
China and South Korea poised for bilateral trade deal.

Chinese and South Korean leaders have pledged to sign a bilateral trade agreement by the end of this year and introduce direct trading of their currencies to spur cross-border renminbi transactions and deepen economic ties in two of Asia’s largest economies.
The agreement was made on Thursday between Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Korean counterpart Park Geun-hye on his first visit to Seoul. “Through these measures, exchange between companies and citizens in the two countries will become faster and more free,” Ms Park said in a joint press conference......

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