Monday, July 7, 2014

Airports go on high alert because jihadis might board planes with explosive devices inside them

Next, you can expect  doctors giving you a physical to certify you free of  bomb making materials inside your body, before you board a plane.  You think I am exaggerating?  Wait and see.  Much of the stuff I could see happening from the time I started blogging has already happened long before I expected it to happen.  

Jihadis who mean to do us harm are from both sexes, plus probably transsexuals as  they are so used to having surgeons cut through their bodies, they would make ideal carriers if the new plans from these satanic monsters is to implant explosive stuff inside their own fucking bodies.  

The most amazing thing of all, in this our topsy-turvy world of rotten to the core Western politicians, is this: We are importing even more Muslims.  If you still insist on saying our government knows best, then be prepared to be insulted by people like me who will say: "You don't know shit just like the govt."

And,  before you go flapping your mouth at how the airport security is unkind to the elderly or to kids, know this:  The elderly know they are inches away from death and if someone offers them a stack of money which they can gift to their loved ones, they will take it.  Aging does  not angels make even if the elderly look frail, smiley and nice.  As for kids .... if parents can leave their kids to roast to death in oven-like cars while they go whoring here and there,  what's to stop them from transforming their kids into bomb babies?

Travelling by air is going to be hell from now on.

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