Thursday, July 3, 2014

Saudi Arabia deploys 30K soldiers to border

I am willing to bet that 80% or more of the soldiers are non-Saudi.  Most of them will be Pakistanis or Sunni Muslims from the African countries or probably even American mercenaries.
The one and only thing I "like" about the terrorists rampaging in Iraq is their desire to invade Saudi Arabia.  I will root for the jihadists and wish them every success in that endeavor.

The vid below, from a few months ago, shows a parade of the Saudi military might which hopes to withstand their own wahhabism  inspired terrorists.  Watch it on mute.  The commentator sounds like a mad jihadi himself.

From Reuters via Yahoo:
Saudi Arabia deployed 30,000 soldiers to its border with Iraq after Iraqi soldiers abandoned the area, Saudi-owned al-Arabiya television said on Thursday, but Baghdad denied this and said the frontier remained under its full control.

The world's top oil exporter, Saudi Arabia shares an 800-km (500-mile) border with Iraq, where Islamic State insurgents and other Sunni Muslim militant groups seized towns and cities in a lightning advance last month.

King Abdullah has ordered all necessary measures to protect the kingdom against potential "terrorist threats", state news agency SPA reported on Thursday.

The U.S.-allied kingdom overcame its own al Qaeda insurgency almost a decade ago and is wary of any encroaching new threat from radical Sunni Islamists.....

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