Thursday, July 3, 2014

Russia's prez makes more and more sense ....

and, especially when you view the chaos that's been deliberately created around the world by the USA and her allies. I haven't listened to the entire speech as yet, but from the buzz on the internet, Putin is proposing peace and sanity to prevail on planet Earth while the dark side is clamoring for more and more bloodshed and according to Putin, trying to turn the entire world into "a global barracks."

From RT:
Russia’s president has blamed the turmoil in Ukraine on the country’s newly-elected leader Petro Poroshenko. Vladimir Putin also criticized the West for its intention to turn the planet into a "global barracks."

Russia’s president has laid the blame for the ongoing turmoil between Kiev and south-eastern regions squarely at the feet of Petro Poroshenko, after the Ukrainian leader terminated the ceasefire.

He has stressed that Russia and European partners could not convince Poroshenko to not take the path of violence, which can’t lead to peace.

“Unfortunately, President Poroshenko has made the decision to resume military actions, and we – meaning myself and my colleagues in Europe – could not convince him that the way to reliable, firm and long-term peace can’t lie through war,” Putin said. “So far, Petro Poroshenko had no direct relation to orders to take military action. Now he has taken on this responsibility in full. Not only military, but also political, more importantly."..............

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