Thursday, July 24, 2014

One more warmonger bites the dust .... Arseniy Yatsenyuk, PM of the Ukraine's propped up govt.

Will he escape The Hague?  He was very much a part of the atrocity machine which has seen thousands of people killed in the last few months. Was he for the government's assault on the Ukrainian citizens in the east, or was he one of the very few dissenters?  That's for The Hague to judge when all these people who prefer war to diplomacy are hauled to that court.  

Don't forget that the muddy and bloodied waters of the Ukraine is where Harper has taken Canada by his government's support of the coup and regime change in that country. The Ukrainian fiasco will be one of the main reasons, out of hundreds, that's going to decimate the Conservative party come the next election. Harper and gang has worked overtime to hand the country to the Liberals.

From AP via CTVNews:
Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk announced his resignation Thursday, opening the way for new elections that would reflect the country's starkly changed political scene after the ouster of pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych in February.
Yatsenyuk made the announcement from the dais of Parliament after two parties said they would pull out of the governing coalition. He said Parliament could no longer do its work and pass necessary laws.
President Petro Poroshenko, elected to replace Yanukovych May 25, earlier praised the withdrawal of the two parties. He said that "all opinion polls, and direct conversations with people, show that society wants a complete rebooting of the government."
The nationalist Svoboda party and the Udar party led by former boxer Vitali Klitschko pulled out of the group of legislators that took over after former President Viktor Yanukovich was ousted by protesters seeking closer ties with the European Union.
Parliament speaker Oleksandr Turchynov said it was up to Udar and Svoboda to propose a candidate for temporary prime minister to lead the government until early parliamentary elections can be held.....

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