Thursday, July 24, 2014

All on the Malaysian flight MH17 that the brainwashing machines are not telling you

Some of the items below might not be the very latest.  I am collecting a few of these here in the blog so I can read them at leisure.

From Pepe Escobar at ICH:
The intelligence and facts   were being fixed around the policy." Everyone remembers the Downing Street Memo, which unveiled the Bush/Blair "policy" in the run-up to the 2003 bombing/invasion/occupation of Iraq. The "policy" was to get rid of Saddam Hussein via a lightning war. The justification was "terrorism" and (non-existent) weapons of mass destruction (WMD), which had "disappeared", mounted in trucks, deep into Syria. Forget about intelligence and facts. 

The tragedy of MH17 - turned, incidentally, into a WMD - might be seen as a warped rerun of imperial policy in Iraq. No need for a memo this time. The "policy" of the Empire of Chaos is clear, and multi-pronged; diversify the "pivot to Asia" by establishing a beachhead in Ukraine to sabotage trade between Europe and Russia; expand the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to Ukraine; break the Russia-China strategic partnership; prevent by all means the trade/economic integration of Eurasia, from the Russia-Germany partnership to the New Silk Roads converging from China to the Ruhr; keep Europe under US hegemony.....

From Tamara Zamyatina at GlobalResearch:
Six days after the Malaysian Boeing tragedy, US intelligence officials acknowledged that Washington had no information on Russia’s direct involvement in the July 17 plane crash.

“Therefore, US security services have dismissed State Secretary John Kerry’s statement made on July 20 that an air defense missile system which shot down the Malaysian Boeing-777 airliner in eastern Ukraine had been delivered from Russia,” President of the Geopolitical Analysis International Centre Colonel General Leonid Ivashov told ITAR-TASS..........

Brandon Turbeville at GlobalResearch:
Only yesterday, I wrote an article entitled “6 Reasons To Question The Official Story Of The Malaysian Flight Over Ukraine” where, as the title suggests, I briefly discussed a number of reasons the story presented by Western media outlets blaming Ukrainian separatists and even the Russian government for shooting down the plane were both contradictory and dubious.
Now, on the day after the crash of the flight, more information has emerged regarding the details surrounding what actually brought the flight down. Yet, as is typical in international incidents, the Western press reports simply add more questions to the pile.
First, it is important to point out the deceptive nature of many of the Western reports so it can be demonstrated that the credibility of all future reports should be viewed as highly questionable......

Tom Hayden writing at CommonDreams:
Ukraine: Anvil of the New Cold War.  
To understand the present crisis over downed Malaysian flight MH17, we need to look at the roots of the new Cold War.
The Cold War is perhaps not even remembered by this generation of Americans, beyond dim and distorted traces. Yes, the power alignments in the world have shifted, for example, by the rise of the BRICS and their opposition to Western finance capital. And yes, the rise of China offsets the demise of the old Soviet Union. The Vatican is no longer battling “godless communism.” Communism itself is a spent force.
But no new global paradigm has come to dominance and, in that vacuum, the old Cold War premises arise to fill the chatter-boxes of our media and cultural mentality.
Ukraine is the anvil on which the new Cold War thinking is heating up..........

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