Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Nicolas Sarkozy: Corrupt, Corrupter, Corruptest

This character is up to his eyebrows in corruption charges and now he tries to bribe a judge with a mouth-watering position in exchange for info on those charges? 

If the government can spy on our every move, we can at least learn how to tape some  phone conversations, can't we?  Imitation is a form of flattery, isn't it?  If the government can do it, why can't we, right?  We are suppose to learn from our "betters" ....right?
Behold the power of We the People! 

Reuven Blau writing at NYDailyNews:
Ex-French President Nicolas Sarkozy taped offering to trade judge a job for info about corruption probe: report Sarkozy is heard telling his lawyer he will ‘set up’ Judge Gilbert Azibert with a well-paid job in Monte Carlo with the help of Prince Albert of Monaco, a Paris newspaper reported. The former president was charged with corruption and influence-peddling this month.

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy was recorded offering to get a judge a well-paid job in exchange for information about one of six corruption probes, a Paris newspaper reported.

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy was taped offering to get a judge a choice gig in return for information about one of six corruption investigations into him, according to a Paris newspaper.

Sarkozy, 59, is heard in telephone intercepts telling his lawyer Thierry Herzog that he will “set up” Judge Gilbert Azibert with a well-paid job in Monte Carlo with the help of Prince Albert of Monaco, the French daily Le Monde reported.

“I will help him (the judge) . . . I will get him set up,” Sarkozy told his longtime lawyer in February, according to the report.

“Call him today and tell him I will sort it out. I am going to Monaco and I will see the prince.”............

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