Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Another warmonger down for the count ....hopefully forever

First it was Nicolas Sarkozy and the corruption probe, which will hopefully stick for good and that vile man will never again become a lawmaker.  Now another disgusting individual, this time from the UK, has "resigned" from his post as the Foreign Secretary which enabled him to kill innocent human beings in Libya, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine and elsewhere.

With the  scandal of paedophilia thick as smoke in the halls of power in the UK, one has to wonder about the sudden resignation or probably the forced resignation of one of UK's main warmongers.

Could it have been because of any of the following or all of them? 

Nigel Burke writing at Express September 3, 2010
William Hague was crazy to share a room with a young man
William Hague sharing hotel with his male aide? It should be a storm in a complimentary teacup but it is a real threat to the Foreign Secretary’s career. The lewd imputation made by bloggers is that twin beds might have been pushed together and that the aide’s appointment was due to favouritism. Everyone recognises, when they are pressed to be sensible about it, that people who share a bedroom or even a bed might not be in a relationship. That won’t help him at all......

David-Icke writing at his blog on November 7, 2012 
I repeat, so what were YOU doing, William Hague?

This is William Hague, the current British Foreign Secretary and First Secretary of State, with monumental paedophile and supplier of children to the rich and famous, Jimmy Savile.

Hague is a supporter of the mass murder of children and other innocent civilians by NATO bombing in Libya and by NATO-US-British armed-and-trained ‘rebels’ in Syria. He’d also bomb kids in Iran if he thought he could get away with it.

Hague was the Secretary of State for Wales when he set up the pathetic excuse for an ‘inquiry’ into the abuse at the Welsh children’s homes and he was leader of the Conservative Party when the ‘inquiry’ reported its ‘findings’ (cover-up).

When is he going to be questioned about what he knew with regard to the prominent people, including members of his own party, named at the inquiry but not allowed to be made public because of a ban imposed by the very ‘inquiry’ that he set up?

‘I wasn’t told’? Bollocks.

The then leader of the Conservative Party did not know that senior members of the Conservative Party were being named by victims – and what about other leading Conservatives at the time like Peter Lilley and Michael Portillo? What did they know?......

Kim Sengupta writing at Independent  on Sep 2, 2010
The Foreign Secretary,William Hague, was forced to issue an extraordinary public statement yesterday denying that he was gay, after his special adviser and long-term friend resigned over "untrue and malicious" rumours about the relationship between the two men.
A day of high political drama brought the departure of Chris Myers and a statement from Mr Hague remarkable for its detail about his marital life.
As the media concentrated on the fresh wounds opened within Labour by the publication of Tony Blair's memoirs, news broke that 25-year-old Mr Myers had left his job......

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