Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The call to Jihad ....

by the USA and her allies.  You don't have to be a genuis to figure out that  the mosques and imans are openly recruiting young men into the ranks of jihadis to fight in Syria .... and all this is being done right under the watchful eyes and noses of the Western governments .... with their blessings.  This is an army that's been cleverly constructed by the Western governments to dislodge the Assad regime, but now that the army is getting out of hand and chances are that this same army might invade "allies" of the West like Saudi Arabia, Israel and Jordan some of the more conniving politicians are putting Oscar winners to shame by proclaiming that jihadis proceeding overseas will be arrested.  All too late, in my opinion.  The hornet's nest has been kicked off the tree branch and its rolling its way towards what we know not as yet.

From BBC:
Father: Teenager fighting in Syria was 'radicalised by imam'
The father of a British teenager who travelled to Syria to join jihadists believes his son was radicalised by an imam at a UK mosque.

Rahim Kalantar told the BBC his son Ali, 18, travelled to Syria with two friends from Coventry in March and believed he was now fighting with Isis.
He said he was sent "down this road" by an imam - who denied the allegations.
Up to 500 Britons are thought to have travelled to the Middle East to fight in the conflict, officials say.
Mr Kalantar - speaking to BBC Two's Newsnight, in collaboration with the BScheduleBC's Afghan Service and Newsday - said he worries about his son Ali "every minute" and that his grief is "limitless"......

From BBC:
....Third jihadist in Isis video  from Aberdeen.  A third British man in a recruitment video for the Islamic militant group, Isis, is from Aberdeen, the BBC has learned.

The man has been named locally as Raqib.

One former acquaintance, who does not want to be named for fear of retribution, said the man had regularly been in trouble as a young teenager........

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