Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Chickens coming home to roost ....

in all those countries that trained, funded and  armed the jihadis to do battle in Syria to oust Assad and his regime. USA and her allies knew what was happening years ago, how the raw material of Muslim youth from Western countries was being trained all over in countries hostile to Syria but they let it happen. The training has even been going on in the USA itself without restrictions (see second vid). 

The end result the USA and her allies so very much desired was nothing but Assad's downfall, nothing else mattered. That downfall hasn't happened in spite of the USA and her co-conspirators aiding, comforting, funding, arming, nursing and whoring themselves wholesale to the jihadis. But, guess what?! Other unexpected downfalls are now expected.  Most of the ISIS terrorists have more than 1 year's extensive American combat training under their belt (see last link) so that means they are not cavemen terrorists but solid American trained soldier material.

What's happening these days is KARMA baby, KARMA!!

The first vid is from a couple of days ago, the second is from early 2009.

From AlAkhbar dated April 4, 2014
.....Turkey is not alone in supporting jihadis  in the battles in Latakia's northern countryside. Recent information revealed the existence of an airbridge between Jordan and Turkey, transporting jihadis after they are trained on Jordan soil.
Syria’s southern battlefront front has been moved to the north. Al-Akhbar received information suggesting an active and growing Jordanian role in the fight for Kasab and its surrounding territory. The information referred to an airbridge carrying hundreds of fighters from Marka airport in Amman to Antakya in the Iskenderun province in Turkey.
According to a Syrian opposition source, more than a thousand jihadis were transported in the past three days and they immediately joined the fierce battles in Latakia's northern countryside. The information "was confirmed by accurate Jordanian sources," the Syrian opposition source maintained.............

From NYTimes dated Jan 9, 2014
....Islamic extremist groups in Syria with ties to Al Qaeda are trying to identify, recruit and train Americans and other Westerners who have traveled there to get them to carry out attacks when they return home, according to senior American intelligence and counterterrorism officials.

These efforts, which the officials say are in the early stages, are the latest challenge that the conflict in Syria has created, not just for Europe but for the United States, as the civil war has become a magnet for Westerners seeking to fight with the rebels against the government of President Bashar al-Assad. At least 70 Americans have either traveled to Syria, or tried to, since the civil war started three years ago, according to the intelligence and counterterrorism officials — a figure that has not previously been disclosed.

From LaRouche dated April 28 2013
...U.S. Trainers and Salafist  Jihadis In Jordan.  The story that the U.S. military is training Syrian opposition fighters in Jordan got another boost in a story posted by the BBC, yesterday. An unnamed BBC reporter interviewed an unnamed senior commander from the Free Syrian Army, who described the training—mostly dealing with small arms, not the heavier stuff that the rebels desire—and the American accents of the trainers.
The BBC news crew then traveled to a town two hours south of Amman, to talk to one Mohammed el-Chalabi (how ironic), a Salafist leader known by the nom de guerre of Abu Sayyaf. Chalabi was sentenced to death in 2004 for his participation in an al-Qaeda linked plot to attack a base housing U.S. soldiers in Jordan but was later released. Now, he claims to have 500 Salafist fighters in Syria..........

From RT dated June 21, 2013
...CIA and the US military operatives train rebels in Turkey and Jordan – report.
The CIA and US special operational troops and have been secretly training Syrian rebels at bases in Jordan and Turkey since November 2012. Up to 100 from all over Syria have gone through courses in the last month alone, according to US media reports.
At the two-week courses trainees are taught to use Russian-designed 14.5-millimeter anti-tank rifles, anti-tank missiles, as well as 23-millimeter anti-aircraft weapons, Los Angeles Times reported citing anonymous US officials and rebel commanders.
One of such US covert training session, conducted by American, Jordanian and French, has allegedly been taking place in Jordan for the last month or so, the newspaper cited Brig. Gen. Yahya Bittar, the head of intelligence for the Free Syrian Army. ........

From SkyNews dated Sep 10, 2013
....The Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the United States intelligence services are working together on targets that will bring about regime change in the country, according to FSA commanders.
Senior rebels in Aleppo confirmed they have provided five specific targets that would degrade the Syrian army, would not impact on the civilian population and would give them the upper hand in the coming months.....

From VICE dated  April 3, 2014
...I learned to fight like an American at the FSA training camp in Jordan.  “I do not want to mention my name,” says a 20-year-old FSA fighter, “because the camp we practiced in was highly classified.”

So classified, in fact, that the CIA – who are rumoured to be running the camp (but declined to comment for this article) – still won’t acknowledge it exists.

For nearly a year, rumours have swirled about a covert, US-run training camp for FSA fighters in the vast Jordanian desert. (Jordanian intelligence also did not respond to requests for comment on this article.) And, last week, it was reported that the Obama administration appears to be expanding "its covert programme of training and assistance for the Syrian opposition". However, despite all this speculation, little is known about how this supposed Jordanian camp works, who trains there and what tactics they learn.

However, I recently tracked down a fighter who said he'd completed the course and was willing to talk..........

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