Monday, May 19, 2014

Whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad .... "Food should be regulated like tobacco" say campaigners

We are close to destruction.  Many people can feel it but they are hoping their instincts are wrong.  Happy are those who are not attuned to their inner voices, oblivion is a blessing.
The total madness in almost every headline we see these days got to have an ending and we are surely heading towards it.  How much worse can this madness get?

Pippa Stephens at BBC:
......Food should be regulated like tobacco,  say campaigners.
The food industry should be regulated like the tobacco industry as obesity poses a greater global health risk than cigarettes, say international groups.

Consumers International and the World Obesity Federation are calling for the adoption of more stringent rules.

These could include pictures on food packaging of damage caused by obesity, similar to those on cigarette packets.

But the Food and Drink Federation said the food industry already supported such measures......

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