Monday, May 19, 2014

Swiss voters say "No" to hike in minimum wage and additional warplanes

Smart moves.
Must have disappointed warmongering weapon makers more than minimum wage workers.

From EuroNews:
....A referendum in Switzerland  has rejected the idea of a minimum wage for workers, which would have been the highest in the world at 22 francs an hour, 18 euros.

Voters also blocked the purchase of 2.5 billion euros worth of new fighter jets for the Swiss military.

Just over three quarters of those who voted said no to the minimum wage which had been put forward by the main trade union federation, backed by the Socialist and Green parties.
Business leaders were relieved. They had opposed the measure on the basis it would make Swiss companies less competitive.
Heinz Karrer, the head of the Economiesuisse federation of employers, said: “Once again the Swiss people have rejected state intervention in salary issues. It seems that they feel that future wages and working conditions should be the subject of negotiation between employers and workers.”.....

.....The “no” vote for the purchase of 22 warplanes bucks a historic trend of public support for the military and runs counter to a referendum last September, which recorded overwhelming support in favour of keeping the country’s military conscription.
The government had argued that Switzerland needed the Gripen jets built by Saab of Sweden to support its armed forces and protect the country’s stability...........

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