Friday, May 9, 2014

War profiteers are deliciously happy these days ... they can smell WW3

Orders  for additional fighter jets, submarines, tanks, drone, guns, you name it, are flying all over the place like confetti on a windy day. The big guys at  Lockheed, BAE, Raytheon, Bombardier, CACI and others must be buying plenty of champagne bottles these days knowing how their balance sheets will come up smelling roses very, very soon. WW3 is coming and they know it from the kind of orders they have been getting.
Death is profitable.  

From CNBC:
Ukraine crisis will boost sales: Lockheed. 
 Lockheed Martin is on the lookout for acquisition deals and expects the crisis in Ukraine to boost sales of its missile defense system MEADS, the company's chief executive told German weekly paper Welt am Sonntag.

From PressTV:
....Citing an unnamed source close to Russian arms exporter Rosoboronexport, Russian daily newspaper Kommersant, wrote on Monday that Damascus will receive nine aircraft until the end of 2014, and in the next two years,12 and 15 respectively.....

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