Friday, May 9, 2014

"Oh yes, they (Washington) definitely want war"

I hope Dr.Paul Craig Roberts is not in the habit of going for long early morning walks like the late Andrew Breitbart.

The vid was posted on March 11, 2014.

Greg Hunter writing at USAwatchdog:
....Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts thinks the Neoconservatives in the U.S. government want war in Ukraine.  Dr. Roberts says, “They definitely want war, of course. They’ve wanted it ever since Reagan was President.  The Neocons were always saying we have to attack the Soviet Union, and Reagan said we are not going to win anything, we are going to end it.   The Neocons got to where they really disliked Reagan because he wouldn’t take advantage of Soviet weakness to attack them.  So, they are war minded.  They produce documents that say nuclear war is winnable.  So, they are basically crazy people; and, yet, they have determined the course of foreign policy since the Clinton Administration.  Under George Bush, they controlled the show; and today, under Obama, the Neoconservatives control it.” 

Some say the U.S. wants war so they have something to blame the fall of the U.S. economy.  Not so, says Dr. Roberts, “They (Neocons) have been very clear about their ideology of American hegemony over the world.  It’s like Adolf Hitler all over again.  You know, the Germans are the chosen people and have the right to override others.  Neoconservatives don’t use the Nazi language.  Instead, we’re (Neocons) said to be the ‘exceptional’ people, the ‘indispensable country.’  They use these adjectives to elevate the United States above law, its own law and international law.  So, it’s alright if we commit war crimes with naked aggression.  It’s alright if we torture.  It’s alright if we kidnap people in foreign countries and take them to other foreign countries.  This is all just part of America achieving hegemony.  Notice the way we achieve it is not by argument or reason or persuasion or anything like that.  It’s by force.” .........

..........On gold, Dr. Roberts says, “To protect the dollar from Quantitative Easing (QE), the Fed is selling naked shorts in the gold market to keep the gold price from rising so rapidly that it exposes the worthlessness of the dollar. . . . The physical stock of gold in the West to meet delivery demand is diminishing rapidly.  So, one day the Chinese will buy 100 tons of gold, and we won’t be able to make delivery.  That would crash the system.  It would just pop.  So, there are things that could crash it suddenly.  Regardless . . . the economy is going to gradually sink because there are no jobs, or no good jobs. . . So, there is not a recovery.  The U.S. is a busted state.  It’s completely busted.”  ............

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