Sunday, May 18, 2014

Wahhabis called upon to wage jihad against pro-Russians in Ukraine

Like I have been saying all along, Ukraine has very good "chances" of becoming another Syria.  I can see all the sinister indications and the colorful ingredients from my window.
Lest you forget, let me remind you that Saudi Arabia has been funding and arming any and all jihadi groups in those regions for decades now, and has imported thousands from those groups to fight in Syria.  

Bill Roggio writing at LongWarJournal:
...Muhajireen Army commander calls for Muslims to wage jihad in the Ukraine
The deputy leader of an al Qaeda-allied jihadist group that is led by commanders from the Caucasus and other former Soviet republics has called for Ukrainian Muslims to wage jihad against the Russia government.

Abdul Karim Krymsky, the deputy emir of Jaish al Muhajireen wal Ansar (the Army of the Emigrants and Helpers, or Muhajireen Army), said that Crimean Tatars and Ukrainian Muslims should "start on the path of jihad." Krymsky made the statement in a video in which he appeared with Salahuddin Shishani (the Chechen), the emir of the Muhajireen Army.

The video was obtained and partially translated by From Chechnya to Syria, a website that tracks fighters from the Caucasus and Central Asia who are waging jihad in Syria. The video was first published on May 13 by Akhbar Sham, a Russian-language website that promotes the Muhajireen Army.

"You have to open up lands yourselves and defeat the infidels," Krymsky, a Crimean Tatar, says.

"We see now that Muslims, Tatars, who went to Crimea and Ukraine have reached such a level of humiliation while here [in Syria] Muslims are proud and walk around freely and we simply see the difference in that," he continues......

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