Sunday, May 18, 2014

Our lovely diversified Canada

That looks like a nice quiet neighbourhood, wouldn't you think?  Hah!

Now, I wonder what kind of a background the 18-yr old bomb maker comes from.

From CBCNews:
....Homemade bombs defused at Ahuntsic-Cartierville home.
50 homes evacuated while police swept home with bomb-defusing robot.
An 18-year-old man is in police custody after an undetermined number of homemade explosive devices were found in a triplex on Saturday on Robertine Barry Street in Ahuntsic-Cartierville......


  1. I just heard some representative of the police refer to the fact that the suspect has mental issues, hence the bombs. heh.
    It would not be politically correct to say that he is Muslim, hence the bombs.

  2. BTW, I wonder if Justin will want to find the underlying cause of such youth dysfunction.
    I am sure he would not think that the reason is Islam itself. Gosh, no. Heaven forbid.


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