Friday, May 16, 2014

Veteran Day parades and speeches are just photo opportunities for politicians ....

because when it comes to really and truly honoring veterans, those same politicians do exactly the opposite. It's truly vomit-inducing when our politicians put on sad faces when giving speeches on Veterans Day, but truth be told, the soldiers giving their limbs and lives in the service of their country, are not given even a thought after the speeches and the photo ops are done with.
How can these blasted powers-that-be send taxpayer money to the far reaches of the world but fail to play fair with those who have gone overseas to fight on behalf of the politicians' egos?  It is disgusting to say the least!
Harper and his Cons have the gall to commit $220 M  to Ukraine and God alone knows what other support, but they do this to the veterans?  The governments of both the USA and Canada are horribly disgusting!!!!

In Canada:

Christie Blatchford writing at NationalPost:
.... Veterans learning what Caledonia residents already know — Julian Fantino is a bully.

Well, well, well, if it isn’t Veterans Affairs Minister Julian Fantino, or the former junior minister for seniors as I so enjoyed calling him when he served too briefly in that position, in a spot of trouble.
Mr. Fantino, as many know by now, was slated to meet a diverse group of veterans from across Canada on Tuesday.
They are unhappy with his decision to close nine of the department’s regional offices, to be replaced by the warm and wonderful folks of Service Canada (“People Serving People” is its slogan, don’t you know, as opposed to what, “People Serving Cats”?), the giant bureaucracy that purports to serve all Canadians needing information or help from government.
In any case, Mr. Fantino kept the veterans waiting, then dispensed a trio of MPs to mollify them, then showed up briefly in person as the group was on its way out the door for a press conference........

Karl Gotthardt writing at DigitalJournal:
.... The Canadian federal government  has been negligent and has abused the privacy rights of veterans. One of those veterans, Harold Leduc says that he was subject to abuse by the minister and this abuse has caused his PTSD to worsen.
To end the abuse he has written an open letter to veterans advocates, questioning why they have abandoned him. He says that he is being openly abused by the Minister, his staff and officials resulting in a severe injury to his pensioned PTSD condition. Leduc says that he has been forced off the Veterans Review and Appeal Board for no valid reason.............

In the USA:
Jennifer Janisch writing at CBSNews:
Email reveals deliberate effort by VA hospital to hide long patient waits.
A Veterans Affairs employee at the VA Medical Center in Cheyenne, Wyoming, has been placed on administrative leave after CBS News obtained an email showing an employee directing his staff on how to game the appointments system to make it appear as though veterans were being seen within the VA's 14-day directive......

John McCormack writing at WeeklyStandard:
....Attorney General Eric Holder said Tuesday that the Department of Justice doesn't have any plans to investigate allegations that veterans placed on secret waiting lists at VA hospitals died while waiting for care.
"Well, obviously these reports if they're true are unacceptable, and the allegations are being taken very seriously by the administration. But I don't have any announcements at this time with regard to anything that the Justice Department is doing," Holder told reporters at a press conference.

"This is something on our radar screen at this point, but there is an investigation being done by the [VA] inspector general, and we'll see what happens as a result of that inquiry and other information that comes to light in some form or fashion," Holder added......

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